Associated Natural Gas definition

Associated Natural Gas or “ANG” means Natural Gas produced in association with Crude Oil either as free gas or in solution, if such Crude Oil can by itself be commercially produced.
Associated Natural Gas means the Natural Gas existing in a reservoir in a solution with Crude Petroleum or in the form of “Gas Cap” in contact with Crude Petroleum, and which is produced or may be produced in association with the Crude Petroleum.
Associated Natural Gas means all Natural Gas produced from any reservoir the predominant production of which is Crude Oil and which is separated from Crude Oil in accordance with normal oilfield practice including free gas cap, but shall exclude any liquid hydrocarbon extracted from such gas either by normal field separation, dehydration or in a gas plant.

Examples of Associated Natural Gas in a sentence

  • Should the Parties agree that development for sale of the Associated Natural Gas is warranted, the CONTRACTOR shall specify, in the Exploitation Work Programme and corresponding Budget referred to in Article 11.7 of this Contact, the additional installations required for the development and production of this surplus and the estimated applicable costs.

  • A similar procedure shall apply if it is decided to proceed with the sale or marketing of the Associated Natural Gas while Exploitation of the field is in progress.

  • Should the CONTRACTOR advise the STATE that a marketable surplus exists, the Parties shall jointly assess marketing outlets for such Associated Natural Gas surplus, in respect of both the local market and the export market (including the possibility of the joint sale of their share of production of such surplus Associated Natural Gas in the event such surplus is not suitable for commercial exploitation in any other manner), as well as the means necessary for its commercial Exploitation.

  • A similar procedure shall be applicable if the sale or marketing of Associated Natural Gas is decided during the exploitation of a Field.

  • In the event the Contractor has informed the Ministry of such an excess, the Ministry and the Contractor shall jointly assess the possible markets and uses for such excess of Associated Natural Gas, both on the local market and for export (including the possibility of joint marketing of their shares of Production of that excess of Associated Natural Gas in the event such excess would not otherwise be commercially exploitable), together with the means necessary for its marketing.

More Definitions of Associated Natural Gas

Associated Natural Gas means Natural Gas dissolved in the Crude Oil contained in a reservoir under original pressure and temperature conditions.
Associated Natural Gas means all gaseous Hydrocarbons produced in association with crude oil and separated therefrom.
Associated Natural Gas means (i) any natural gas dissolved in crude oil under reservoir conditions and (ii) any residue gas remaining after the extraction of crude oil from a reservoir;
Associated Natural Gas means natural gas which exists in a reservoir with solution in crude oil and includes gas cap which overlies and is in contact with crude oil;
Associated Natural Gas means all gaseous hydrocarbons produced in association with Crude Oil, which Crude Oil itself can be commercially produced and separated therefrom.
Associated Natural Gas means natural gas which is produced in association with Crude Oil.
Associated Natural Gas means all Natural Gas produced from a Reservoir, the predominant content of which is Crude Oil, and which is separated from Crude Oil in accordance with generally accepted international petroleum industry practice, including free gas cap, but excluding any liquid Petroleum extracted from such gas either by normal field separation, dehydration or in a gas plant;