Gas plant definition

Gas plant means all facilities including all real estate, fixtures and property owned, controlled, operated or managed by a gas utility for the production, storage, transmission and distribution of gas and heat.
Gas plant means any valve, regulator, plant, pipe, equipment or apparatus used for, or for purposes connected with, the production, processing, conveyance, storage or shipping of gas;
Gas plant means all facilities owned by a gas utility for the production, storage, transmission, and distribution of gas.

Examples of Gas plant in a sentence

  • The NPMS is created using data compiled from mandatory submissions made by pipeline, LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) plant operators, and voluntary submissions made by breakout tank operators.

  • Gas plant is depreciated on a straight-line basis over its useful lives.

  • Gas plant" includes all real estate, fixtures and personal property owned, controlled, operated or managed in connection with or to facilitate the production, generation, transmission, delivery or furnishing of gas for light, heat or power.[PL 1987, c.

  • Maintenance of plantation, 43,500 Seedlings raising for distribution, 305 Nos Solar Home Light, 373 Skill upgradation Training for VFC members, 111 Nos Sarala Ole, 1112 Nos LPG connection, 34 Nos Gobar Gas plant Installation and facilitation activities have been implemented.

  • OUTLOOK The outlook for the FY22 is promising and will be the most significant year for the Group to date with the commissioning of the Virginia Gas plant, sales of the first commercially available LNG in South Africa and sales of the first locally produced liquid helium.

More Definitions of Gas plant

Gas plant means processing equipment for produced gas to separate, recover, and make useful natural gas liquids (condensate, natural gasoline [e.g., pentenes], and liquefied petroleum gas, etc.), to separate, remove, and dispose of other non-hydrocarbon substances, such as water, sulfur, carbon dioxide, ammonia, etc., and to produce utility-grade gas suitable for delivery and sale.
Gas plant means any plant, apparatus or machine for generating gas (including any container holding compressed, dissolved or liquified gas under pressure) connected to a system of appliances or points and includes all pipes and appliances for storing the gas, or for conveying or regulating the flow of the gas to the places where it is to be used, but excludes any plant, apparatus, machine, pipes or appliances used solely in connection with a single private dwelling house;
Gas plant means an installation for generating, cleaning, storing and compressing gas in cylinders or containers;
Gas plant means a plant for treatment, conditioning, synthesizing, refining, processing, separation or conversion of natural gas;
Gas plant means Buyer/Processor's Roggen natural gas processing plant (excluding fractionation facilities) located in the SW1/4 of Section 24, Township 2 North, Range 63 West, Weld County, Colorado, as well as those processing facilities which may be added or deleted (including the Roggen plant) by Buyer/Processor in its sole discretion from time to time for the efficient operation of any of the Facilities. Buyer/Processor, in its sole discretion from time to time for the efficient administration of the Facilities, may perform allocations under this Agreement on a single processing facility basis or on a pooled basis among any or all of the processing facilities constituting the Gas Plant.
Gas plant means a system or arrangement of pressure vessels, piping and other equipment designed to process gas from a well or battery or to recover gas products; (« usine à gaz »)
Gas plant means the material, equipment, and property owned by a gas company and used or to be used for or in connection with gas service.