Oil sands definition
Examples of Oil sands in a sentence
Oil sands development contributes polycyclic aromatic compounds to the Athabasca River and its tributaries.
Oil sands operators generally do not perform well, which reflects the ongoing challenges to expanding production with both carbon limits and export infrastructure constraints.
As the pace of development has intensified over the past ten years, particularly in the Athabasca oil sands region, the largest of Alberta’s three oil sands areas, concerns over these impacts have multiplied.1 Oil sands operations in the Athabasca region are located on lands traditionally and currently used by First Nation and Métis peoples.
Oil sands assets are depreciated and depleted over their estimated remaining lives, which are reviewed by management on a regular basis.
Oil sands production totalled 1.2 Mbbl/d in 2008 and is expected to reach 1.6 Mbbl/d in 2013, mainly from Canada (OPEC, 2009).