Examples of ATA carnet in a sentence
No A.T.A. carnet with a period of validity exceeding 1 year from date of issue shall be accept- ed.
Vehicles from the European Union require no customs specific documents to pass the frontier, but vehicles from outside the Union must show their ATA carnet, which is normally applied for at the Chamber of Commerce.
The movement referred to in paragraph 1 may take place either: 1) under the internal transit procedure, provided that such a possibility is provided for in an international agreement; 2) under cover of a TIR carnet; 3) under cover of an ATA carnet used as a transit document; 4) by post (including parcel post).
In case the ATA Carnet was used for this purpose, there is no need to issue a new ATA carnet, as Article 14 of the Istanbul Convention is a ‘may’ provision.
Vehicles from the European Union require no customs specific documents to pass the frontier, but vehicles from outside the Union must show their ATA carnet, which is normally applied for at the Chamber of Commerce in the country of origin.