Examples of Attention and Concentration in a sentence
Impact of Coordinated-Bilateral Physical Activities on Attention and Concentration in School- Aged Children.
Higher Levels of Plasma Homocysteine Are Associated with Subsequent Lower Brain Volume and Poorer Performance on Tests of Attention and Concentration: The Framingham Offspring Study.
Impact of Coordinated-Bilateral Physical Activities on Attention and Concentration in School-Aged Children.
If the sample is large enough, then reestimation of the entire model (with perhaps 500 or 1,000 parameters) on the new sample is the preferred approach.
SUSA 27 Languages 9 Levels 20 Attention Attention and Concentration Selective attention training works on the exact analysis of visual information.
Doubt On Self Ability And Competence.9Poor Sleep, Low Mood, Decreased Interest, Poor Self Care, Procrastination, Class Bunking.10Poor Attention and Concentration, Apprehension For Academic, Weepy, Poor Self Care, Weakness, Difficulty In Memorizing Academic Task.
The examination involves the following process: asking the patient to remember and repeat three words (Memory Registration), count out loud and spell a word out loud (Attention and Concentration), recall the three words they were asked to remember (Memory Recall), and identify a number of common objects, repeat a verbal sentence, perform a simple task on verbal direction, perform a simple task on written direction, and write a sentence (Language).
Attention and Concentration Selective attention training works on the exact analysis of visual information.