Background concentration definition

Background concentration means such concentration of that substance as is present in:
Background concentration means the same as “background quantity” as defined in paragraph 11 to Part 2 to Schedule1 of the PPC Regulations.
Background concentration means such concentration of that substance as is present in: for emissions to surface water, the surface water quality up-gradient of the site; or

Examples of Background concentration in a sentence

  • Background concentration, the level of air contaminants that cannot be reduced by controlling emissions from man-made sources.

  • While the report refers to “Global/Regional background ambient airquality” (Appendix 10.1-A iii and following), in reality it is a Regional Background concentration that is needed since a global background is considered to be the background concentration of pollutants away from the influence of individual sources, and the study area is strongly influenced by terrestrial pollutant emissions from upwind surfaces on the scale of a few hundred kilometres.

  • As being 1/9th of 0.5 mg/m3).Note [5] Where IED specifies aggregated limits for the selected group 2 metals Cadmium and Thallium the emission rate for each metal has been assumed to be 100% of the aggregated limit.Note [6] Background concentration for CrVI assumed to be 20% of Total Chromium in accordance with EPAQS guidelines.Note [7] For the assessment of CrVI, see 5.2.3 below.Note [8] Total VOC emission assumed to be 1,3 - butadiene.Note [9] Total PAH emission assumed to be benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P).

  • If a location is not in attainment and that location will be impacted by emissions of that pollutant for a new source, then you immediately know that there are problems to address.• Background concentration – Most air quality models calculate concentrations for the sources included in a simulation.

  • Background concentration and deposition data may be displayed for each designated site or human health receptor by clicking on the “Check Background Levels” option in the data input page.

More Definitions of Background concentration

Background concentration means the test substance concentrations in the whole-vehicle test chamber when the test vehicle is inside;
Background concentration means the concentration or level of a hazardous substance that exists in the environment at or regionally proximate to a facility that is not attributable to any release at or regionally proximate to the facility. A person may demonstrate that a hazardous substance is not present at a level that exceeds background concentration by any of the following methods:
Background concentration means the concentration of a contaminant in ground water upgradient or a lateral hydraulically equivalent point from a facility, practice, or activity, and which has not been affected by that facility, practice, or activity.
Background concentration means that concentration of a constituent that is established as the background in accordance with subsection (d); and
Background concentration means the concentration of a substance in an environ- mental medium in a geographic area, but does not include any contribution from local human-made point sources, determined by following director’s protocols;
Background concentration means the level of naturally occurring contaminant in soil.
Background concentration means the level of a contaminant in soil, groundwater or other media up gradient from a facility, practice or activity that has not been affected by the facility, practice or activity; or other facility, practice or activity.