Australian Auditing Standards definition

Australian Auditing Standards refers to the standards of that name, as amended from time to time, that are made by the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board created by section 227A of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth);
Australian Auditing Standards means the standards prepared by the Auditing Standards Board of the Australian Accounting Research Foundation and generally accepted audit practices to the extent they are not inconsistent with those standards. ‘CCB Quarter’ means the quarterly period used by the CCMS IT Systems – this period is closely aligned to a calendar quarter, and always starts on a Monday, usually the first Monday in a quarter ‘CCMS IT Systems’ means Our computer systems accessible, whether directly or indirectly, by You for the purpose of providing information to Us required under the Family Assistance Law; ‘Commonwealth Coat of Arms’ means the Commonwealth Coat of Arms as detailed at It’s an Honour – Commonwealth Coat of Arms available at ‘Commonwealth Material’ means any Material in which the Intellectual Property Rights are owned by Us which We provide to You for the purposes of this Agreement or any Material which is copied from that Material, except for the Commonwealth Coat of Arms. ‘Conflict’ means a conflict of interest, or risk of a conflict of interest, or an apparent conflict of interest arising through You engaging in any activity or obtaining any interest that is likely to interfere with or restrict You in providing the Activity for, or to, Us fairly and independently.
Australian Auditing Standards means the standards prepared by the Auditing Standards Board of the Australian Accounting Research Foundation and generally accepted audit practices to the extent they are not inconsistent with those standards. ‘CCMS IT Systems’ means Our computer systems accessible, whether directly or indirectly, by You for the purpose of providing information to Us required under the Family Assistance Law; ‘Commonwealth Coat of Arms’ means the Commonwealth Coat of Arms as detailed at It’s an Honour – Commonwealth Coat of Arms available at ‘Commonwealth Material’ means any Material in which the Intellectual Property Rights are owned by Us which We provide to You for the purposes of this Agreement or any Material which is copied from that Material, except for the Commonwealth Coat of Arms. ‘Conflict’ means a conflict of interest, or risk of a conflict of interest, or an apparent conflict of interest arising through You engaging in any activity or obtaining any interest that is likely to interfere with or restrict You in providing the Activity for, or to, Us fairly and independently.

Examples of Australian Auditing Standards in a sentence

  • We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards.

  • The audit should be undertaken and reported in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards.

  • We conducted our audit of the financial statement in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards; our audit of compliance with the grant agreement in accordance with ASAE 3100, our review of the statement of labour costs in accordance with ASRE 2405[; and our limited assurance procedures on employee numbers in accordance with ASAE 3000].

  • A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit.

  • Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.

More Definitions of Australian Auditing Standards

Australian Auditing Standards means the auditing standards made by the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board in accordance with section 227B of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission Xxx 0000 (Cth). Australian Information Commissioner means the Information Commissioner within the meaning of the Australian Information Commissioner Xxx 0000 (Cth).
Australian Auditing Standards means is a reference to the Australian Auditing Standards issued by the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) as in force from time to time;
Australian Auditing Standards means the standards set by the Auditor-General under section 24 of the Auditor-General Act 1997 and generally accepted audit practices to the extent they are not inconsistent with such standards;
Australian Auditing Standards means the auditing and assurance standards issued by the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board of the Australian Accounting Research Foundation.
Australian Auditing Standards means the standards prepared by the Auditing Standards Board of the Australian Accounting Research Foundation and generally accepted audit practices to the extent they are not inconsistent with those standards. ‘Commonwealth Coat of Arms’ means the Commonwealth Coat of Arms as detailed at It’s an Honour – Commonwealth Coat of Arms available at ‘Commonwealth Material’ means any Material in which the Intellectual Property Rights are owned by Us which We provide to You for the purposes of this Agreement or any Material which is copied from that Material, except for the Commonwealth Coat of Arms. ‘Conflict’ means a conflict of interest, or risk of a conflict of interest, or an apparent conflict of interest arising through You engaging in any activity or obtaining any interest that is likely to interfere with or restrict You in providing the Activity for, or to, Us fairly and independently.
Australian Auditing Standards means the Australian Auditing Standards developed, issued and maintained by the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. • Australian Privacy Principles has the meaning given to that term in section 6 of the
Australian Auditing Standards means the auditing standards that are issued by the Auditing & Assurance Standards Board subject to any modifications that are prescribed by the Associations Incorporation Regulation.