Examples of Australian Sports Commission in a sentence
This policy has been based on the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) template and has been approved by the ASC.
The Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) is an incorporated non-profit organisation and the accrediting body for strength and conditioning (S&C) professionals in Australia as recognised by the Australian Sports Commission and its high-performance programs of the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS).
BHA follows the Hockey Queensland Mixed Gender Policy (derived from the Australian Sports Commission recommendations) which states: ”Mixed Gender Competitions can occur if necessary, for players 12 years and under.
The ITU, the Australian Sports Commission and TA condemn the use of substances or practices which artificially enhance performance.
The following Codes of Behaviour incorporate the Australian Sports Commission Template Code of Behaviour, the FFA National Code of Conduct and the FFA National Spectator Code of Behaviour.
To do this, the Australian Sports Commission recommends the “STOP” approach: Stop play or stop the girl from participating. Talk to the injured girl to determine where the pain is felt, how serious it is and how the injury occurred.
Please refer to the Harassment Free Sport Guidelines available from the Australian Sports Commission if you require more information on harassment issues.
The Australian Sports Commission has produced guidelines in these instances – see http://www.ausport.gov.au/ethics/information_sheets/IS_acquiring_images.asp.
Please refer to the Harassment-free Sport Guidelines available from the Australian Sports Commission if you require more information on harassment issues.
The international federation, WADA and, where applicable, the Australian Sports Commission, the Australian Olympic Committee, Australian Paralympic Committee, Australian Commonwealth Games Association, relevant State Institutes of Sport/State Academies of Sport and WADA shall have the right to attend hearings as an observer or an interested or affected party.