Authority Damage definition

Authority Damage means any damage to the Prison the cost of which is the responsibility of the Authority pursuant to clause 73.1 (Responsibility for Damage);
Authority Damage as defined in clause 1.1 of the Project Agreement or clause 1.1 of the ICT Contract as the case may be;
Authority Damage means damage to a Specified Asset as defined in Clause 100.2(b) (Responsibility for Damage);

Examples of Authority Damage in a sentence

  • The Contractor and the Authority's Representative shall, as soon as reasonably practicable following the discovery of any damage in accordance with clause 64.2 meet to discuss whether such damage is Authority Damage and whether there should be an extension of the Rectification Periods pursuant to Part XII of Schedule 6 (Payment Mechanism) and, if so, what reasonable extension should be agreed.

  • Where neither the headteacher nor the headteacher's alternate can be located within three (3) hours of discovering the relevant damage, the Contractor shall record the details of the damage as required by this clause 64.2.3 and assess (acting reasonably) whether and if so why the damage constitutes Authority Damage and shall notify the Authority of its assessment.

  • If any Authority Damage is of such a minor nature (when considered item by item and in aggregate) that it can be remedied by the Contractor without incurring any additional costs through the use of its site-based resources during their normal working hours and without adversely affecting the ability of the Contractor to perform the Services, then the cost of rectifying such damage shall be for the account of the Contractor.

  • Authority Damage & VandalismThe following incidents of Authority Damage and Vandalism incurred recharges:-3.

  • Review all Authority Damage claims from PFI company and share findings with line manager.

  • Monitor and review the CMU monthly reports and liaise with the Business Manager to review additional costs for Authority Damage charges, Small Value Change charges, reimbursements for school areas not available during school hours, energy reports, FM monthly reports, etc.

  • Ms. Zinn recommended the use of “documentation” and “evidence” in 12 AAC 48.900.

  • Authority Damage In order to facilitate the Contractor’s responsibility to report damage on a timely basis (which in turn will facilitate the correct allocation of responsibility under the Project Agreement as between the Authority and the Contractor), the Governing Body shall procure that the headteacher co-operates with the Contractor in agreeing whether or not any damage is Authority Damage and that the Contractor is kept informed of the headteacher’s alternative as required by clause 64.2.3.

  • If any Authority Damage is of such a minor nature (when considered item by item and in aggregate) that it can be remedied by PPP Co. without incurring any additional costs through the use of its Site-based resources during their normal working hours and without adversely affecting the ability of PPP Co. to perform the Services, then the cost of rectifying such damage will be for the account of PPP Co.

  • Invoice for Authority Damage Any invoice submitted to the Authority pursuant to Clause 18.6 (Determination Following Discovery of Damage) will be supported by any relevant information recorded pursuant to Clause 18.5(a) (Discovery of Damage), and may be in respect of multiple incidents of damage.

Related to Authority Damage

  • Property damage means physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of use of tangible property.

  • Catastrophic Damage as used hereunder is major change or damage to In- cluded Timber on Sale Area, to Sale Area, to access to Sale Area, or a combination thereof:

  • Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which would cause them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production.

  • Materially Damaged means damage which, in Seller's reasonable estimation, exceeds $500,000.00 to repair or which, in Seller's reasonable estimation, will take longer than ninety (90) days to repair.

  • Delay Damages means the damages assessed pursuant to Section 3.2(a) hereof.

  • Environmental Damage means any injury or damage to persons, living organisms or property (including offence to man’s senses) or any pollution or impairment of the environment resulting from the discharge, emission, escape or migration of any substance, energy, noise or vibration;

  • Daily Delay Damages means with respect to a Guaranteed Project Milestone, an amount equal to (a) the Project Development Security Amount posted as of the first date that Daily Delay Damages are payable under this Agreement with respect to such Guaranteed Project Milestone, divided by (b) 120.

  • Structural damage means a covered building, regardless of the date of its construction, has experienced the following.

  • Direct Damage has the meaning given to it in clause 26.2;

  • Environmental Damages means all claims, judgments, damages, losses, penalties, fines, liabilities, encumbrances, liens, costs and expenses of investigation and defense of any claim, including, without limitation, attorney’s fees, that are incurred at any time as a result of the existence of Environmental Conditions upon, about or beneath the Project Site or migrating or threatening to migrate to or from the Site, and including, without limitation:

  • Catastrophic injury or illness means a life-threatening injury or illness of an employee or a member of an employee's immediate family that totally incapacitates the employee from work, as verified by a licensed physician, and forces the employee to exhaust all leave time earned by that employee, resulting in the loss of compensation from the state for the employee. Conditions that are short-term in nature, including, but not limited to, common illnesses such as influenza and the measles, and common injuries, are not catastrophic. Chronic illnesses or injuries, such as cancer or major surgery, that result in intermittent absences from work and that are long-term in nature and require long recuperation periods may be considered catastrophic.

  • Major Damage means damage that in the estimation of the surveyor exceeds USD

  • Bodily injury means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including death resulting from any of these at any time.

  • Sabotage means deliberate damage, with malevolent intent, to a Category 1 or Category 2 quantity of radioactive material, a device that contains a Category 1 or Category 2 quantity of radioactive material, or the components of the security system.

  • Public liability means any legal liability arising out of or resulting from a nuclear in- cident or precautionary evacuation (includ- ing all reasonable additional costs incurred by a State, or a political subdivision of a State, in the course of responding to a nu- clear incident or precautionary evacuation), except (1) claims under State or Federal Workmen’s Compensation Acts of employees of persons indemnified who are employed (a) at the location or, if the nuclear incident oc- curs in the course of transportation of the radioactive material, on the transporting ve- hicle, and (b) in connection with the licens- ee’s possession, use or transfer of the radio- active material; (2) claims arising out of an act of war; and (3) claims for loss of, or dam- age to, or loss of use of (a) property which is located at the location and used in connec- tion with the licensee’s possession, use, or transfer of the radioactive material, and (b) if the nuclear incident occurs in the course of transportation of the radioactive mate- rial, the transporting vehicle, containers used in such transportation, and the radio- active material.

  • Substantial bodily injury means "bodily injury which involves (A) a temporary but substantial disfigurement; or (B) a temporary but substantial loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member, organ, or mental faculty." See 18 U.S.C. § 113(b)(1).

  • Material Damage and “Materially damaged” means damage (w) resulting in the Property not complying with all legal requirements applicable to the Property, (x) reasonably exceeding $300,000 or (y) that entitles any tenant of the Property to terminate its Lease, or (z) which, in Buyer’s or Seller’s reasonable estimation, will take longer than 120 days to repair.

  • Accidental Damage means physical damage, breakage or failure of Your Covered Equipment due to an unforeseen and unintentional event occurring either due to handling (e.g., dropping the Covered Equipment or through liquid contact) or due to an external event (e.g., extreme environmental or atmospheric conditions). The damage must affect the functionality of Your Covered Equipment, which includes cracks to the display screen that affect the visibility of the display.

  • Serious bodily injury means bodily injury which involves a substantial risk of death, extreme physical pain, protracted obvious disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ or mental faculty.

  • Substantial damage means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.

  • Violent juvenile felony means any of the delinquent acts enumerated in subsection B or C of

  • Economic damages means objectively verifiable monetary losses, including medical expenses, loss of earnings, burial costs, loss of use of property, cost of replacement or repair, cost of obtaining substitute domestic services, loss of employment, and loss of business or employment opportunities.

  • Epidemic means a sudden development and rapid spreading of a contagious disease in a region where it developed in a simply endemic state or within a previously unscathed community.

  • Catastrophic illness or injury means one of the following:

  • Consequential Loss means loss of profits, anticipated loss of profit or revenue, loss of production, loss of business opportunity, loss of or damage to goodwill or reputation, loss of use or any other similar loss, but excludes:

  • windstorm means straight line winds of at least 80 miles per