Auto Dealer definition
Examples of Auto Dealer in a sentence
This Policy will not cover more than 10% (Ten Percent) above the new list price or retail value of The Vehicle as stated in that month’s issue of the TransUnion Auto Dealer Guide.
The Vehicle and its accessories and extras must be correctly Insured in terms of the TransUnion Auto Dealer Guide for at least its full Market Value, Retail Value or New List Price at Date of Loss.
The average of the recommended retail value and trade value of The Vehicle (Including its accessories and spare parts as specified in the Invoice/Offer to Purchase) at the Date of Loss, as determined by that month’s issue of the TransUnion Auto Dealer Guide, and adjustedaccording to the Kilometre reading, at the time of the Event, and Condition chart contained in the Guide.
Eligible Asset Class means (i) Auto Dealer Floorplan Loans; (ii) Auto Loans and Auto Leases; (iii) Consumer Loans; (iv) Credit Card Receivables; (v) Non-Auto Leases; (vi) Residential Mortgage Loans; and (vii) SME Loans.
The average of the recommended retail value and trade value of The Vehicle (Including its accessories and spare parts as specified in the Invoice/Offer to Purchase) at the Date of Loss, as determined by that month’s issue ofthe TransUnion Auto Dealer Guide, and adjusted according to the Kilometre reading, at the time of the Event, and Condition chart contained in the Guide.
The average of the recommended retail value and trade value of The Vehicle (Including its accessories and spare parts as specified in the Invoice/Offer to Purchase) at the Date of Loss, as determined by that month’s issue of the TransUnion Auto Dealer Guide, andadjusted according to the Kilometre reading, at the time of the Event, and Condition chart contained in the Guide.
Other than with respect to monthly payments and to the best of its knowledge, the Protection Buyer is not aware of any Obligors in material breach or default of any obligations under any Underlying Assets.SCHEDULE GLOSSARY OF TERMS Auto Dealer Floorplan Loan: an agreement between an Originator and a dealer pursuant to which the dealer agrees to pay the Originator the purchase price of Vehicles sold or supplied by the manufacturer.
Defendants assert that Auto Dealer Plaintiffs are barred from bringing their consumer protection claims under South Carolina law because it prohibits class actions.
At present, the PCS Market Committee has not yet approved any Responsible Lending Rules and Guidelines.GLOSSARY OF TERMS Auto Dealer Floorplan Loan means an agreement between an Originator and an Eligible Dealer pursuant to which the Eligible Dealer agrees to pay the Originator the purchase price of vehicles sold or supplied to the Eligible Dealer by the vehicle manufacturer.
Domestic Market Guidelines: those domestic securitisation market guidelines which aim to promote best market practice, as selected and published by the PCS Secretariat.Eligible Asset Class: (i) Auto Dealer Floorplan Loans; (ii) Auto Loans and Auto Leases; (iii) Auto Fleet Leases; (iv) Consumer Loans; (v) Credit Card Receivables; (vi) Non-Auto Leases; (vii) Residential Mortgage Loans; (viii) Corporate Loans and (ix) SME Loans.