Average Book Value definition
Examples of Average Book Value in a sentence
Defined generally, Return on Capital (Pretax) = Earnings before interest and taxes Average Book Value of Capital Invested in Project Return on Capital (After-tax) = Earnings before interest and taxes (1- tax rate) Average Book Value of Capital Invested in ProjectTo illustrate, consider a one-year project, with an initial investment of $1 million, and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of $300,000.
For each Six Month Period, the value (the "Purchase Price Per Share") of the shares of Common Stock used to pay the Allowances will be an amount equal to the Average Book Value Per Share (as defined herein) for the respective Six Month Period, multiplied by two and one-half (2-1/2).
It is defined as ROA = Net Income after Tax ÷ Average Book Value of Assets.
The term "Average Book Value Per Share" for each Six Month Period shall mean the average of the Book Value Per Share (as herein defined) as of December 31 and June 30 (each a "Determination Date") immediately preceding the Six Month Period.
To determine the stability of this solution the trial solution 0k k k˜e ilx 7(l)tu U (k ) u˜e ilx 7(l)t1kviscosity term =µ(k)ux xµ0 e 0k uxx(5.90) The difficulties arising from the higher order models without viscosity (e.g. the inability to properly describe for bottleneck and stop-start behavior) are reviewed by Hauer and Hurdle (1979).