Examples of Balancing Action in a sentence
A Balancing Action means a Balancing Gas Buy or a Balancing Gas Sell under a Balancing Gas contract in respect of a Day is required.
Price versus volume In the unlikely scenario that a small volume offer is priced significantly higher than other offers for a Gas Day, then National Grid NTS would still include that offer in any assessment of an Eligible Balancing Action.
These markets offers will be assessed against the relevant Gas Day(s) for which an Eligible Balancing Action is likely to address a supply/demand imbalance position.
Where it has been assessed as economic and efficient to do so, National Grid NTS might undertake an Eligible Balancing Action on or in relation to a specific Gas Day for which a GDW is in place by accepting a ‘multi-day’ offer either on the OCM and/or through an OTC bilateral contract(s).
Use of revised multi-day assessment price (MDAP) National Grid NTS will assess an Eligible Balancing Action against all the available OCM/OTC market offers in the revised price-order stack, i.e. by utilising any single day offer prices and the revised MDAP.
The Operator maintains a separate book account (Balancing Account) to which it charges all types of expense it incurs in relation to Balancing, especially including each expense arising as a result of a Load Balancing Action and/or as a result of the Load Balancing agreements it concludes, and which it credits with all amounts collected from Transmission Users in the procedure of daily settlement of DTULI and the Monthly Balancing Settlement.
For the purposes of TPD Annex S-1 paragraph 5 the reference to Market Balancing Action Charges, Market Balancing Sell Actions and Market Balancing Buy Actions shall be construed respectively as including Flexibility Charges, System Sells and System Buys.
Shipper’s Balancing Action Refund”) provided however that a Shipper shall not be entitled to a Shipper’s Balancing Action Refund to the extent that the Shipper has (i) any undischarged Monthly Disbursements Liability; and (ii) any outstanding charges which if paid would be credited to the Disbursements Account; and/or (iii) the amount to which the Shipper would otherwise have been entitled shall be smeared among the other Shippers.
Approve TMA Balancing Action Toni TisdalePage 5 COMPASS staff will seek balancing action to address current funding needs in the TMA programs.9:00 *C.
Before undertaking a Balancing Action, the Operator shall take into consideration especially the pressure of the NNTGS at any given time, the possibility of storing Natural Gas in the NNGTS, the estimated demand for Natural Gas, the most recent data regarding the Confirmed Quantities of Transmission Users and the most recent metering data.