Chile definition
Examples of Chile in a sentence
On or before the Issue Date, the Company shall have executed, pursuant to the Chilean Civil Code by means of a public deed granted before a Notary Public in Chile, a unilateral statement of subordination (declaración unilateral e irrevocable de subordinación) in respect of the Notes, substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit E.
USP0091LAC02 COMMON CODE 284202708 AES Andes S.A., a closed stock corporation (sociedad anónima cerrada) organized under the laws of the Republic of Chile, promises to pay to Cede & Co., the nominee for The Depository Trust Company, or registered assigns, the principal sum of U.S. Dollars [If the Note is a Global Note, add the following, as revised by the Schedule of Increases and Decreases in Global Note attached hereto], on June 10, 2055.
The Bank agrees to extend to the Recipient for the benefit of Republic of Chile (“Member Country”), a grant in an amount not to exceed five million United States Dollars ($5,000,000) (“Grant”) to assist in financing the Project.
Requests may be made to: AES Andes S.A. Los Conquistadores 1730, 10th Floor Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Chile Attention: VP of Finance and Corporate Finance Director To assign this Note, fill in the form below: (I) or (we) assign and transfer this Note to: (Print or type assignee’s name, address and zip code) (Insert assignee’s Social Security or Tax I.D. Number) and irrevocably appoint to transfer this Note on the books of the Company.
However, for claims made in Chile, under Chilean law the statute of limitations applicable to the Notes is four years from the due date for payment thereof.