Examples of Bank of Italy in a sentence
The Covered Bond Guarantee will be collateralised by a cover pool constituted by certain assets assigned from time to time to the Guarantor pursuant to the relevant Master Loans Purchase Agreement (as defined below) and in accordance with the provisions of the Securitisation and Covered Bond Law, Decree No. 310 and the Bank of Italy Regulations.
Any tenderer submitting a guarantee issued by financial brokers that the Bank of Italy has forbidden from undertaking new transactions shall be excluded from the tender procedure.
The Notes will at all times be evidenced by book-entries pursuant to the relevant provisions of Legislative Decree No. 58 and in accordance with CONSOB and Bank of Italy Regulation.
Table 3.5 (OPM0100) contains data on the open-market operations carried out the Bank of Italy on behalf of the Eurosystem.
Tables 3.7a (BSIO0100, assets) and 3.7b (BSIO0200, liabilities) show the balance sheet of the ‘other MFIs’ resident in Italy, i.e. the MFIs other than the Bank of Italy.
The stock series have been affected by the reclassification on June 2010, while flows and growth rates are given net of this change.Tables 3.3a (SPBI0100, assets) and 3.3b (SPBI0200, liabilities) show the statistical balance sheet of the Bank of Italy in accordance with the accounting framework adopted by the Eurosystem.
In Italy this sector includes the Bank of Italy, banks, money market funds, electronic money institutions; and, as of September 2006, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA.
The accuracy of the sample survey is documented in ‘The measurement of Sampling Error in Bank Interest Rate Statistics’, Bank of Italy, Supplements to the Statistical Bulletin – Methodological Notes, June 2007 and in ‘Quality Measures in Non-random Sampling MFI Interest Rate Statistics’, ECB, Statistics Paper Series, 2013.
The methodology is described in ‘Estimating Time-Series of Harmonized Bank Interest Rates’, Bank of Italy, Supplements to the Statistical Bulletin – Methodological Notes, February 2006.
About CentrobancaThis document has been prepared by Centrobanca Spa (“Centrobanca”), a bank authorized by the Bank of Italy to provide investment services pursuant to Article 1, Paragraph 5, letter a), b), c), c-bis), e) and f) of Legislative Decree, 24 February 1998, n° 58.