Barrier Level means the Barrier Level as specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data.
Planned External Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned External Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective agreement that is the equivalent of an Interconnection Service Agreement, has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close, and has secured at least 50 percent of the MWs of firm transmission service required to qualify such resource under the deliverability requirements of the Reliability Assurance Agreement.
Barrier means Barrier Level x R (initial).
Penetration Testing means security testing in which assessors mimic real-world attacks to identify methods for circumventing the security features of an application, system, or network. (NIST SP 800-115)
Digital Signal Level 3 or "DS3" means the 44.736 Mbps third-level in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. In the time-division multiplexing hierarchy of the telephone network, DS3 is defined as the third level of multiplexing.
Digital Wallet means an electronic payment service that allows you to store a digital version of your Card on a computer or device and make payments using that Digital Card. Digital Wallets may be operated by third party Digital Wallet providers and are available on supported devices.
Digital Signal Level 1 or "DS1" means the 1.544 Mbps first-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. In the time-division multiplexing hierarchy of the telephone network, DS1 is the initial level of multiplexing.
Digital Signal Level 0 or "DS0" means the 64 Kbps zero-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy.
Digital Signal Level means one of several transmission rates in the time division multiplex hierarchy.
FR Barrier Value means, in respect of a SPS FR Barrier Valuation Date, the Underlying Reference Value.
Digital Signal Level 1 (DS-1 means the 1.544 Mbps first level signal in the time division multiplex hierarchy.
Integrated Digital Loop Carrier means a subscriber loop carrier system that is twenty-four (24) local Loop transmission paths combined into a 1.544 Mbps digital signal which integrates within the switch at a DS1 level.
Digital Signal Level 0 (DS-0 means the lowest-level signal in the time division multiplex digital hierarchy, and represents a voice-grade channel operating at either the 56 Kbps or 64 Kbps transmission bit rates. There are twenty-four (24) DS-0 channels in a DS-1.
Coupon Barrier Value means, in respect of a ST Coupon Valuation Date, Worst Value.
Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) means the diameter of a tree at 4 1/2 feet above the ground measured from the uphill side.
Inclement Weather means any weather condition that delays the scheduled arrival or departure of a Common Carrier.
Quality Management System means a set of interrelated or interacting elements that organisations use to direct and control how quality policies are implemented and quality objectives are achieved;
Cannabis testing facility means an entity registered by
Circuit Breaker means a device, capable of making and breaking the circuit under all conditions, and unless otherwise specified, so designed as to break the current automatically under abnormal conditions;
Pilot or "Payment in Lieu of Tax" shall mean any payment made to the Agency or an affected tax jurisdiction equal to all or a portion of the real property taxes or other taxes which would have been levied by or on behalf of an affected tax jurisdiction with respect to a project but for tax exemption obtained by reason of the involvement of the Agency in such project, but such term shall not include Agency fees.
NOC means National Olympic Committee.
Digital network means any online-enabled application, software, website or system offered or utilized by a transportation network company that enables the prearrangement of rides with transportation network company drivers.
Planned Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective Interconnection Service Agreement and has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close.
Digital Signal Level 3 (DS-3 means the 44.736 Mbps third level signal in the time division multiplex hierarchy.
Transit Traffic means traffic originating on CLEC’s network that is switched and transported by AT&T-TSP and delivered to a Third Party Terminating Carrier’s network or traffic from a Third Party Originating Carrier’s network. A call that is originated or terminated by a CLEC purchasing local switching pursuant to a commercial agreement with AT&T-TSP is not considered Transit Traffic for the purposes of this Attachment. Additionally Transit Traffic does not include traffic to/from IXCs.
Extreme Vetting means data mining, threat modeling, predictive risk analysis, or other similar services." Extreme Vetting does not include: