Base revenue definition

Base revenue means the Margin Revenue which Company would have derived had all gas sold on the LES Rate Schedule during a determination period, been sold under Rate Schedules GS-120K, GS-1,250K, GC-11M and GS-25M.
Base revenue means the revenue generated by permanent rates and charges, excluding:
Base revenue means the revenue which Company would have derived had all gas transported at rates prescribed, under the “currently applicable base rate,” during a determination period, been billed at the base transportation charge.

Examples of Base revenue in a sentence

  • The determination, availability, and distribution of the bargaining units proportionate share of new or increased revenues due to the COLA factor applied to Base Revenue is dependent upon the final adoption of the State budget and the reliability of receiving such entitlements.

  • Should the current school finance system be significantly altered by elimination or substantial modification of Base Revenue Limit funding or in other significant ways that make implementation of the terms of this Agreement impractical or impossible, the parties agree to commence bargaining to attempt creation of a new memorandum that meets the intent of this Agreement.

  • The determination, availability, and distribution of the bargaining units proportionate share of new or increased revenues due to the COLA factor applied to Base Revenue is dependent upon the final adoption of the State Budget and the reliability of receiving such entitlements.

  • The generation sub-account of the Base Revenue Requirement Balancing Account, or its successor account.

  • The Chancellor's Office calculates the Base Revenue three times each year and retroactively for one fiscal year.

More Definitions of Base revenue

Base revenue means the revenue generated by perma- nent rates and charges, excluding:
Base revenue means $2,092,691,000 adjusted upward by one and one-half percent a fiscal year beginning with the fiscal year immediately succeeding the fiscal year in which individual income tax general fund revenue first equals or exceeds $2,092,691,000.
Base revenue for Re-engineering Product Revenue, in millions of dollars, are as follows: 1999 calendar year $9.1; 2000 calendar year $11.4; and 2001 calendar year $14.2.
Base revenue shall equal $3,280,562.08 and shall mean the Companies' Gross Margin for the twelve (12) month period ending October 31, 1998, calculated in accordance with GAAP, including appropriate adjustments, including adjustments for bad debt reserves.
Base revenue means TWENTY-SIX MILLION EURO ((euro)26,000,000).
Base revenue means the revenue received by the county from 773 the ad valorem tax levy plus the revenue received by the county 774 from the tax assessed under Section 27-35-309(3) and authorized to 775 be used for any purposes for which a county is authorized by law 776 to levy an ad valorem tax. For purposes of determining if the
Base revenue means the Company’s consolidated revenue for the year ending December 31, 2017 (as reported in the Company’s consolidated statement of operations for the year ending December 31, 2017 included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K (or any successor form) for the year then ending, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “2017 Form 10-K”) as adjusted for 2018 operating plan Fx rates.