Examples of M&O Revenue in a sentence
If, for any year of this Agreement, the difference between the Original M&O Revenue and the New M&O Revenue, as calculated under this Section 4.2 of this Agreement, results in a negative number, the negative number will be considered to be zero.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, the Lost M&O Revenue owed by Applicant to District means the Original M&O Revenue minus the New M&O Revenue.
Subject to the limitations contained in this Agreement, the calculation of any Lost M&O Revenue required to be paid by the Applicant under this Article IV shall be made for the first time in the first complete Tax Year following the Application Approval Date and every year thereafter during the term of this Agreement.
Subject to the limitations contained in this Agreement, it is the intent of the Parties that the risk of any and all Lost M&O Revenue as a result of, or on account of, entering into this Agreement, will be borne by the Applicant and not by the District.
It is the intent of the Parties in accordance with the provisions of Section 313.027(f)(1) of the TEXAS TAX CODE and Section 48.256 (d) of the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE as that statute exists at the time of the execution of this Agreement that the District shall be compensated by the Applicant as provided in this Article IV for any Lost M&O Revenue as a direct result of, or on account of, entering into this Agreement, after taking into account any payments to be made under this Agreement.
All calculations under this Section 4.2 shall be made by a methodology which isolates the full M&O Revenue impact caused by this Agreement.
Subject to the limitations contained in this Agreement, it is the intent of the Parties in accordance with the provisions of Section 313.027(f)(1) of the TEXAS TAX CODE that the District shall be compensated by the Applicant as provided in this Article IV for any Lost M&O Revenue as a result of, or on account of, entering into this Agreement, after taking into account any payments to be made under this Agreement.
The calculation of any Lost M&O Revenue required to be paid by the Applicant under this Article IV shall be made for the first time in the first complete Tax Year following the Application Approval Date and every year thereafter during the term of this Agreement.
It is the intent of the Parties in accordance with the provisions of Section 313.027(f)(1) of the TEXAS TAX CODE and Section 48.256 (d) of the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE that the District shall be compensated by the Applicant as provided in this Article IV for any Lost M&O Revenue as a result of, or on account of, entering into this Agreement, after taking into account any payments to be made under this Agreement.
It is the intent of the Parties that the risk of any and all Lost M&O Revenue as a result of, or on account of, entering into this Agreement, will be borne by the Applicant and not by the District.