Examples of Net Revenues in a sentence
If the balance in the Loan Reserve Account falls below the Loan reserve requirement, the Borrower shall promptly deposit from the first Net Revenues available after payment of the amounts due hereunder (unless the Borrower has previously made such deposit from other money of the Borrower) an amount sufficient to restore the balance up to the Loan reserve requirement.
The Borrower hereby grants to DEQ a security interest in and irrevocably pledges its Net Revenues to secure payment of and to pay the amounts due under this Loan Agreement.
The Borrower represents and warrants that the pledge of Net Revenues hereby made by the Borrower complies with, and shall be valid and binding from the date of this Agreement pursuant to, ORS 287A.310.
If the audit report described in ARTICLE 5(F) identifies the Net Revenues and contains a calculation demonstrating the Borrower’s satisfaction of the requirements of this ARTICLE 5(B), that audit will satisfy the requirements of this ARTICLE 5(B)(3).
The Borrower’s failure to adjust rates shall not, at the discretion of DEQ, constitute a default if the Borrower transfers to the fund that holds the Net Revenues unencumbered resources in an amount equal to the revenue deficiency to the Facility that produces the Net Revenues.