Base Royalty Amount definition

Base Royalty Amount shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.2(b).
Base Royalty Amount shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.4(e)(ii)(B).

Related to Base Royalty Amount

  • Minimum Royalty shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.3.

  • Net Sales Revenue shall have the meaning as set out in Schedule "A"

  • Royalty Rate means the percentage defined in Exhibit B.

  • Royalty Payments has the meaning set forth in Section 7.3.1.

  • Gross Sales Price with respect to each sale of Shares sold pursuant to this Agreement shall be the gross sales price per share of such Shares.

  • Royalty Fee means a royalty fee in the amount of $0.00 of Actual Production payable by BC Hydro to the Province for each year of the Term in accordance with Article 6 of the Master Agreement.

  • Royalty Payment has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • Royalty Year means, (i) for the year in which the First Commercial Sale occurs (the “First Royalty Year”), the period commencing with the first day of the Calendar Quarter in which the First Commercial Sale occurs and expiring on the last day of the Calendar Year in which the First Commercial Sale occurs and (ii) for each subsequent year, each successive Calendar Year.

  • Sales Revenue means receipts from the sale, lease, or rental of goods, services, or property;

  • Net Sales Price means the gross billing price of any PRODUCT received by Licensee or its SUBLICENSEE for the sale or distribution of any PRODUCT, less the following amounts actually paid by Licensee or SUBLICENSEE:

  • Net Revenue Interest means, with respect to any Property, the interest in and to all Hydrocarbons produced, saved, and sold from or allocated to such Property after giving effect to all royalties, overriding royalties, production payments, carried interests, net profits interests, reversionary interests, and other burdens upon, measured by, or payable out or production therefrom.

  • Net Revenue means an entity’s total revenue less its operating expenses, interest paid, depreciation, and taxes. “Net Revenue” is synonymous with “Profit.”

  • Gross Profits means the gross profits calculated under section 4;

  • Gross Profit means the sum produced by adding to the “net profit” the amount of the Insured “standing charges”, or if there be no “net profit”, the amount of the Insured “standing charges” less such a proportion of any net trading loss as the amount of the Insured “standing charges” bears to all the “standing charges” of the business.

  • Net Invoice Price means the price paid by You for Your Vehicle including all factory fitted accessories and any discount given but excluding retailer fitted accessories, road fund licence, new vehicle registration fee, fuel, paintwork and / or upholstery protection kits, insurance premiums (including this Premium), warranty premiums and any such associated costs and any Negative Equity.

  • Net salvage value means the salvage value of property retired less the cost of removal.

  • Sublicense Income means any payments that Company receives from a Sublicensee in consideration of the sublicense of the rights granted Company under Section 2.1., including without limitation license fees, royalties, milestone payments, and license maintenance fees, but excluding the following payments: (a) payments made in consideration for the issuance of equity or debt securities of Company at fair market value, and (b) payments specifically committed to the development of Licensed Products.

  • Percentage Rent As defined in Subsection 3.1(b).

  • Base Year Value means the assessed value of eligible property January 1 preceding the execution of the agreement plus the agreed upon value of eligible property improvements made after January 1 but before the execution of the agreement.

  • Sublicensing Revenue means all (i) cash, (ii) sublicensing fees and (iii) all other payments and the cash equivalent thereof, which are paid to LICENSEE by the Sublicensees of its rights hereunder, but excluding the following payments:

  • Tax increment revenues means the amount of ad valorem property taxes and specific local taxes attributable to the application of the levy of all taxing jurisdictions upon the captured assessed value of real and personal property in the zone. Tax increment revenues do not include any of the following:

  • Cost Share means the member’s financial obligation for a covered service. Depending on the plan type, cost-share may include one or more of the following: deductible, copay, access fee, coinsurance, pharmacy deductible, and precertification charges.

  • Net Revenues means the difference between:

  • Gross Revenue means:

  • Revenue Share means Government’s Share of Revenue.