BCP 1 definition

BCP 1 has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

Examples of BCP 1 in a sentence

  • BCP 1 may terminate this proxy at any time at its sole election by written notice provided to BACI.

  • Upon BACI’s written request to BCP 1, BCP 1 will notify BACI of the aggregate ownership percentage of Common Stock outstanding that the Blackstone Entities own as of the date of such notice.

  • Xxxxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, in their respective capacities as directors of BCP 1, and any other Person designated in writing by BCP 1, each of them individually, with full power of substitution, to vote or execute written consents with respect to all shares of Common Stock held by BACI with respect to all matters to be acted upon by the stockholders of the Company at any time and from time to time during the term of this Agreement (except as such proxy shall be earlier revoked as provided below).

  • Earnings contribution to Credicorp PEN (000) Banco de Crédito BCP (1) 466,928 392,306 355,485 19% 31%BCB (2) 15,481 12,488 12,076 37% 42%Edyficar 27,682 27,606 20,288 25% 70%Pacifico Grupo Asegurador 37,916 13,184 29,085 188% 30%Elimination (3) - (16,727) Atlantic Security Bank 29,642 33,346 40,049 -11% -26%Prima 38,127 34,146 30,013 12% 27%Credicorp Capital (4) 16,323 (32,452) 16,636 150% (0)Credicorp Capital Ltd.

  • Upon BACI's written request to BCP 1, BCP 1 will notify BACI of the aggregate ownership percentage of Common Stock outstanding that the Blackstone Entities own as of the date of such notice.

  • BCP IV, through its wholly-owned subsidiary BCP 1, is the indirect majority holder of equity interests in Crystal Holdings.

  • Xxxxxxx and Axxxx Xxxxxxxxx, in their respective capacities as directors of BCP 1, and any other Person designated in writing by BCP 1, each of them individually, with full power of substitution, to vote or execute written consents with respect to all shares of Common Stock held by BACI with respect to all matters to be acted upon by the stockholders of the Company at any time and from time to time during the term of this Agreement (except as such proxy shall be earlier revoked as provided below).

  • PEN (000) Banco de Crédito BCP (1) 422,951 466,928 89,859 -9% 371% 889,879 445,344 100%BCB (2) 19,016 15,481 10,672 23% 78% 34,497 22,748 52%Edyficar 31,925 27,682 14,160 15% 125% 59,607 34,448 73%Pacifico Grupo Asegurador 46,432 37,916 14,499 22% 220% 84,349 43,584 94%Atlantic Security Bank 80,071 29,642 35,367 170% 126% 109,713 75,416 45%Prima 40,786 38,127 37,740 7% 8% 78,914 67,753 16%Credicorp Capital (3) 12,105 16,323 3,967 -26% 311% 28,428 20,603 38%Credicorp Capital Ltd.

  • The principal business address of Crystal Holdings 2, Crystal Holdings, BCP 1, BCP 2, BCP 3 and BCCP is c/o Walkers, P.O. Box 265 GT, Walker House, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.

Related to BCP 1

  • BCP means BCP Asset Management Limited and its successors, assigns and transferees.

  • CDSL means Central Depository Services (India) Ltd.

  • Class 2 A-1 Certificates and Class 1-X Component 2. Group 2 Certificates................ Group 2 Senior Certificates and the Subordinated Component related to Loan Group 2.

  • Class P designation on the face thereof, substantially in the form of Exhibit A-5 attached hereto, and evidencing a portion of a class of "regular interests" in REMIC III for purposes of the REMIC Provisions.

  • IIA means the Israeli National Authority for Technological Innovation, previously known as the Research Committee of the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry.

  • Class size means the maximum number of students who can receive instruction together in a special class or resource room program and the number of teachers and supplementary school personnel assigned to the class.

  • Matrix (1 2 8 9) means a substantially continuous phase that fills the space between particles, whiskers or fibres.

  • Strip means to take off RACM from any part of a facility or facility components.

  • CM means City Manager of COE appointed in terms of Section 82 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998

  • HCD means the California Department of Housing and Community Development.

  • TTC means telemetry, tracking and control.