Bigeye sandtiger shark definition

Bigeye sandtiger shark means Odontaspis noronhai. "Bigeye sixgill shark" means Hexanchus nakamurai. "Bigeye thresher" shark means Alopias superciliosus. "Bignose shark" means Carcharhinus altimus. "Bluntnose sixgill shark" means Hexanchus griseus. "Bonnethead shark" means Sphyrna tiburo.
Bigeye sandtiger shark means Odontaspis noronhai.
Bigeye sandtiger shark means Odontaspis noronhai. "Bigeye sixgill shark" means Hexanchus nakamurai. "Bigeye thresher" shark means Alopias superciliosus.

More Definitions of Bigeye sandtiger shark

Bigeye sandtiger shark means Odontaspis noronhai. AA. "Bigeye sixgill shark" means Hexanchus nakamurai. BB. "Bigeye thresher" shark means Alopias superciliosus. CC. "Bignose shark" means Carcharhinus altimus.

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