HKFE definition
Examples of HKFE in a sentence
Every contract executed on the HKFE shall be subject to the charge of an applicable Investor Compensation Fund levy and a levy pursuant to the Ordinance, the cost of both of which shall be borne by the Client.
IBHK is licensed to trade in the products approved by the various exchanges including HKFE or SEHK, as applicable, from time to time.
In relation to futures contracts traded on the HKFE, Client acknowledges that in respect of any account IBHK maintained with the HKFE Clearing House, IBHK deals as principal and accordingly no such account is impressed with any trust or other equitable interest in favour of Client and monies, approved debt securities and approved securities paid to or deposited with HKFE Clearing House are thereby freed from any trust.
If Client fails to meet two or more successive margin calls or demands for variation adjustment, IBHK may be required to report particulars of all of the Client's options/futures positions to the HKFE or the SFC.
All monies or other properties received by IBHK from the Client or from any other person, including the HKFE Clearing House, for the Account of the Client in respect of the futures/options contracts transacted on behalf of the Client, shall be held by IBHK as trustee, segregated from IBHK's own assets.