biofuels definition
biofuels means liquid or gaseous fuel for transport produced from biomass;
biofuels means liquid fuel for transport produced from biomass;
biofuels means biofuels as defined in Article 2, point (33), of Directive (EU) 2018/2001;
More Definitions of biofuels
biofuels means neat biodiesel fuel, neat green diesel fuel, or neat ethanol fuel that is not blended
biofuels means ‘biofuels’ as defined in Article 2, first paragraph, point (33) of Directive 2018/2001;’;
biofuels means liquid fuels for transport produced from biomass;
biofuels means liquid or gaseous fuels produced from organic sources such as biomass crops, agricultural residues and oil crops, such as palm oil, canola oil, soybean oil, waste cooking oil, grease, and food wastes, animal residues and wastes, and sewage and landfill wastes.
biofuels means ‘biofuels’ as defined in Article 2, first paragraph, point
biofuels means any fuel that is derived from biomass.
biofuels means neat biodiesel fuel, neat green diesel fuel, or neat ethanol fuel that is not blended with a traditional fuel such as gasoline or diesel.