Examples of Bioscience research in a sentence
CSIRO is leading the partnership research with two African institutions: the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD), which coordinates and facilitates research in West and Central Africa, and Biosciences eastern and central Africa (the BecA Hub), a Bioscience research centre managed by and hosted at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in East and Central Africa.
The council was funded independently, but with the endorsement of the British Government, was intended to fulfil the role of a national bioethics committee– similar in kind to those that were becoming prevalent across the Channel on the European continent – and was at least in part intended to protect the British Bioscience research space (Jasanoff, 2005a).
This series facilitates networking and connectivity among KU’s research faculty; fosters external collaborations between KU researchers, researchers from other academic institutions and industry; and increases awareness of KU’s Bioengineering and Bioscience research.
Another research group, working at a company called American Biosciences, later patented similar, specific compounds using the Florida State method.43 One inventor on the American Bioscience research team had formerly worked in the Florida State lab that developed the chemical method.
These surveys have been targeted on the Bioscience research community, University and other relevant Knowledge Based Institutes, Venture capitalists and public and charitable funding organisations, representatives from local and central government, relevant support industries and local community.
In other words, the removal of a statement may cause the set of DefRoles to shrink, yielding opportunities to reapply COI .P GThe ERR removes all statements defining roles that are empty in all reachable states.
Bioscience research covers a broad range of topics at many magnitudes of scale, from determining the three dimensional structure of proteins to tackling global epidemics.
Acquisition of the ability to recognize meaningful questions and to formulate testable hypotheses with appropriate controls is a major step in the candidate's transition from a passive to an active role in Bioscience research.
Journal by Innovative Scientific Information & Services Network., Bioscience research, 16(3), 3163- 3179.Young, H.
Teaching Fellow: PGR support: suggested job descriptionThis role will support Postgraduate students from all Bioscience research groups (Streatham) through both individual meetings and group workshops.Individual support when reasonable and requested by the student or supervisor may include thorough discussion of thesis planning, consideration of first drafts of thesis chapters and manuscripts of papers for submission with a view to enhancing student skills in scientific writing and communication.