Examples of Question or issue in a sentence
Question or issue" means any question or issue certified in accordance with the Revised Code for placement on an official ballot at a general or special election to be held in this state.
It is a poor practice to include two questions in one.2. Question or issue statements should not be ambiguous.
Indicate the suggested handling of the proposed Question or issue 1) Within a study group:– Question (over a multi-year study period) 10 Other relevant information* Include any other information that will be helpful in establishing how this Question or Issue should best be studied, and on what schedule.
State the study Question or issue that is proposed for study, expressed as clearly as possible.
Question or issue that isn’t affecting all patients or providers .
Title of Question or issue (the title replaces this heading) 1 Statement of the situation or problem (the notes follow these headings)* Provide an overall general description of the situation or problem which is proposed for study, with specific focus on the implications for developing countries and LDCs, and how a solution will benefit these countries.
Indicate the suggested handling of the proposed study Question or issue 1)Within a study group: – Question (over a multi-year study period)🞏2) Within regular BDT activity (indicate which programmes, activities, projects, etc.
Using the Tasmanian sparse grids approach, an initial set of 576 cases was selected for simulation to train the ROM.