Examples of Black start unit in a sentence
Test 1: Black start unit test (planned and scheduled by the service provider) Test 2: Local Black Start site test (e.g. Energise dead busbar)Test 3: Black start path test (e.g. Provide supply to remote generation site) Tests 2 & 3 will be called by the relevant TSO.BS.6Site performance is monitored for Tests 2 & 3 by the relevant TSO.BS.7Payment is calculated for each trading period.
Black start unit is connected to transmission system 2.17Figure 17.
Black start unit, connected directly to LV-switchgear providing electrical power for needed equipment to get the plant running in case of a power outage in the electrical grid.
Black start unit owners may receive payments at their election based upon a cost-based rate or an incentive rate.
Other Preliminary Recommendation Areas For Further Study • Black start unit reliability• Additional ERCOT connections• Potential measures to address natural gas supply shortfalls• Potential effect of low-frequency events on generators in the Western and Eastern Interconnections• Guidelines for identifying critical natural gas infrastructure loads THE RECOMMENDATIONS PRESENTED TODAY ARE PRELIMINARY.THE FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE FULL REPORT, WHICH IS EXPECTED TO BE ISSUED BY WINTER.