Examples of Unit Share in a sentence
Entitled Depositors who wish to trade in lot sizes other than mentioned above may do so in the Unit Share Market of the SGX-ST during the provisional allotment trading period.
There is no assurance that Shareholders who hold odd lots of Shares will be able to acquire such number of Shares required to make up a board lot, or to dispose of their odd lots (whether in part or in whole) on the SGX-ST’s Unit Share Market.
The Unit Share Market is a ready market for trading of odd lots of Shares with a minimum size of one (1) Share.
Unitholders who receive odd lots of New Units under the Distribution Reinvestment Scheme and who wish to trade such odd lots on the SGX-ST should do so on the Unit Share Market, which allows trading of odd lots with a minimum of one (1) Unit.
Entitled Depositors who wish to trade in lot sizes other than mentioned above may do so in the Unit Share Market during the provisional allotment trading period.