Block Development Officer definition
Examples of Block Development Officer in a sentence
Clause-2(a) of P-1 Contract:-TIME CONTROL :-( Vide Works Department Office Memorandum No.24716 dtd.24.12.2005 and No.8310 dtd.17.05.2006)2.1. Progress of work and Re-scheduling programme.2.1.1. The Block Development Officer shall issue the letter of acceptance to the successful contractor.
In such an event, the only the successful bidder who has quoted less bid price/ rates than the estimated cost put to tender shall have to furnish the exact amount of differential cost i.e estimated cost put to tender minus the quoted amount as Additional Performance Security in shape of Demand Draft/Term deposit Receipt pledged in favour of Block Development Officer within 7(seven) days otherwise the bid shall be cancelled and the security deposit be forfeited.
If a BPL candidate applies for the post reserved for EWS category he / she shall have to submit a valid BPL certificate countersigned by the Block Development Officer and also a non-SC / ST / OBC certificate issued by the competent authority.In case Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates is not available for selection.
If any bonafied mistake or omission in the wording & description of any clause in DTCN is left unnoticedly& inadvertently & the same is detected after sale of the bid document, then the Tender inviting authority i.e. Block Development Officer, Kutra reserves every right to correct that and all purchasers will abide by that correction 2.
If a BPL candidate applies for the post reserved for EWS category he / she shall have to submit a valid BPL certificate countersigned by the Block Development Officer and also a non-SC / ST / OBC certificate issued by the competent authority.