BLOCK SECTION definition
Examples of BLOCK SECTION in a sentence
Address : Occupation: Signed by as Owner ) in the presence of : ) Witness: Address : Occupation: Signed by as Owner ) in the presence of : ) Witness: Address : Occupation: Signed by HON ) MINISTER OF CONSERVATION ) in the presence of : ) Witness: Address : Occupation: Description of Land: BLOCK SECTION consisting of an area of hectares more or less in the Survey District.
Acceptance Testing for Strength for Pay-Adjustment Items.Concrete Items which are subject to pay adjustment and the base prices are as follows: ITEMSDESCRIPTIONSECTION 910 – MASONRY UNITS 910.04 STONE CURB 910.05 STONE FACING FOR PIER SHAFTS 910.06 STONE PAVING BLOCK SECTION 917 – LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 917.07 SOD 917.08 PLANT MATERIALSH.
APPLICATION # PROJECT ADDRESS: SQUARE FOOTAGE: LOT: BLOCK: SECTION: SUBDIVISION: HOMEOWNER NAME: PHONE: Contractor Street Address City State Zip Code Phone EMAIL TYPE OF New ResidentialPERMIT: Residential Remodel Residential AdditionPiers/Pilings Flatwork SidingFencing Demolition MovingPool Solar GeneratorExterior Modifications Only: This work □ DOES □ DOES NOT lie within the authority of a HOA If it does, please provide a copy of the Approval letter sent from the HOA.
SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF BIDSITB clauseName of Bank &Address-HDFC Bank Limited, Harsha Bhawan, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110 001Branch code & name000003 K G MARG-NEW DELHIType of accountCURRENTRTGS/IFSC codeHDFC0000003Digit MICR code110240001Account Number00030350017224Account NameGAIL CB ONN 2010 11 E AND P BLOCK SECTION- IVSPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC) SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC) 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 GAIL (India) Limited (Operator) and its coventurers Bharat PetroResources Limited.