Examples of Board Appointed Director in a sentence
That the Investment Delivery Plan for Roads 2008 is a financial or budget plan or programme and therefore excluded from the Directive.
Should a Board Appointed Director or Board Appointed Treasurer wish to seek re- election for a second term all members shall be informed of that fact and be invited to put themselves forward for such position, should they hold the required skills set.
Subject to this Article and to Schedule 3 (Transitional Provisions), a Board Appointed Director and a Cricket Appointed Director must retire by at least the closure of the next meeting of the Board following the third anniversary of their appointment.
Contributions are based on a fixed percentage of an employee’s annual salary and the charge to the Income and Expenditure Account reflects contributions paid and payable in respect of the year ended 30 September 2015.1.6. BAD AND DOUBTFUL DEBTSBad debts written off are included in other management expenses.
Any candidates so nominated will then be put forward to Council for election together with the individual(s) seeking re-election as a Board Appointed Director or Board Appointed Treasurer (as the case may be).