Examples of Body Fluid in a sentence
In the event of an accident or spillage of a pathology specimen see the Guidelines for the Management of Blood and Body Fluid Spillages (Related to Trust Infection Control Policy) on the Trust Intranet, under “Policies and Procedures” > Infection Control Policies.
The aforementioned include, but are not limited to, Employee Violence in the Workplace Policy, Blood and/or Body Fluid Exposure Guidelines, Respiratory Protection Program, Nosocomial Influenza Outbreak Policy, Employee Reporting and Monitoring – Influenza Like Illness, Musculo-Skeletal Injury Prevention & Ergonomic Equipment Program, and Infection Prevention and Control.
The requirements of the HC Overlay District do not apply to replacement of building in place or under construction on a site as of the effective date of this regulation necessitated by casualty loss.
In: Force HAIT, editor: NHS National Services Scotland www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2004/05/19319/36643 95 Management of Blood and Other Body Fluid Spillages Policy and Procedure.
Because of this risk, pregnant health-care workers should be especially familiar with and strictly adhere to precautions to minimize the risk of HIV transmission.Implementation of universal blood and body-fluid precautions for ALL patients eliminates the need for use of the isolation category of "Blood and Body Fluid Precautions" previously recommended by CDC for patients known or suspected to be infected with blood-borne pathogens.
Blood and Body Fluid ExposureALWAYS First CALL MCV STUDENT HEALTH 828-9220 (SEE BELOW FOR AFTER HOURS)As a student in the Radiation Sciences Department, you are required to participate in clinical education course work.
British Journal of Nursing 9 (2) 82-86 95 Management of Blood and Other Body Fluid Spillages Policy and Procedure.
To grow and be more productive, they need to raise their game, thus in turn raising the demand for skills.
The aforementioned include, but are not limited to, Violence in the Workplace Policy, Blood and/or Body Fluid Exposure Guidelines, Respiratory Protection Program, Nosocomial Influenza Outbreak Policy, Employee Reporting and Monitoring Influenza Like Illness, Musculo- Skeletal Injury Prevention & Ergonomic Equipment Program, and Infection Prevention and Control.
Body Fluid Cleanup Kit 1) Kit box and condition: Buses manufactured since 1992 require a sealed kit.