Examples of Body section in a sentence
The Target Population and Student Body section should describe the anticipated target population of the school and explain how the school will be organized by grade structure, class size and total student enrollment over the term of the school’s charter.
The Target Population and Student Body section should describe the anticipated target population of the school and explain how the school will be organized by grade structure, class size, and total student enrollment over the term of the school’s charter.
The purchase order would simply be dropped into the Body section of the SOAP envelope as is.
The Target Population and Student Body section should describe the anticipated target population of the school and explain how the school will be organized by grade structure, class size and total student enrollment over the term of the school’s contract.
You then subdivide the Body section into Body-Left, Body-Center, and Body-Right, and proceed to assign steps to these ordered buckets.To generate non-sequential scripts, first identify and define sections.
In the Abstract Body section, copy and paste the following tag, including brackets, where you would like your table to appear.Table 1 : P16 expression in ASCC.
Capacity - Delete One(1) Row of SeatingDelete one (1) full row of seating (both left and right sides) without removing a Body section from the Base Item, or altering the spacing between the remaining seats.
The Target Population and Student Body section should describe the anticipated target population of the school and explain how the school will be organized by grade structure, class size andtotal student enrollment over the term of the school’s charter.
If this fails, either side may take the dispute to the Township Conciliation Body (section 9(b) SLDL) which shall refer it to the Regional or State Arbitration Body if no settlement is reached (section 25 SLDL).
If additional data is expected, it will be encapsulated in the Body section.