Examples of Brazilian Reals in a sentence
The Group holds a proportion of its cash in US Dollars and Brazilian Reals to hedge its exposure to foreign currency fluctuations and recognises the profits and losses resulting from currency fluctuations as and when they arise.
Therefore, this subsidiary’s profit and loss varies when its financial assets and liabilities, and its accounts receivable listed in dollars are converted to Brazilian Reals.
The functional currency of the overseas subsidiaries is Brazilian Reals.
As agreed upon by the parties, expressed in Brazilian Reals (BRL) per share, subject to the limits established by BM&FBOVESPA.
Management considers the Brazilian subsidiaries to be foreign operations with Brazilian Reals as the functional currency.
All of the Company’s oil sales are denominated in Brazilian Reals (BRL) based on a USD oil price and all operational, administrative and capital activities related to the Brazil properties are transacted primarily in BRL.
ADt = (PAt − PAt−1) × 50 × n where:ADt = the daily settlement price in Brazilian Reals, corresponding to day “t”;PAt = the settlement price on day “t” for the respective contract month;PO = the trading price;n = the number of contracts;PAt−1 = the settlement price on day “t-1” for the respective contract month.
Collections 95,629 113,163 644 -Payments45,813---Total141,442113,163644- With the objective of minimising the Exchange rate risk regarding a loan held by Abengoa Brasil Sao Paulo for $ 50,000 thousand, the Group has a structured a cross-currency interest rate swap which fixes the exchange rate of the principle amount changing the interest rate of the loan into US$ at a reference rate of Brazilian Real plus the exchange rate movement between the US$ and the and the Brazilian Reals when over certain levels.
The amounts shall be in Brazilian Reals, in accordance with the regular procedures of the BM&FBOVESPA Derivatives Clearinghouse.
Should the parties not report the portion of the position to be early settled, the early settlement shall cover the total share balance.• Premium price for the early settlementExpressed in Brazilian Reals (BRL) per share, in observance of the limits defined by BM&FBOVESPA.• Cash settlement date of the early settlement premiumThe parties may establish the cash settlement date of the early settlement premium on the first business day subsequent to the settlement date.