Examples of Brazilian Reals in a sentence
The following foreign exchange gains (losses) arise as a result of balances and transactions in the Company’s Brazilian subsidiaries that are denominated in currencies other than the Brazilian Reals (BRL$), which is their functional currency.
The Group holds a proportion of its cash in US Dollars and Brazilian Reals to hedge its exposure to foreign currency fluctuations and recognises the profits and losses resulting from currency fluctuations as and when they arise.
As agreed upon by the parties, expressed in Brazilian Reals (BRL) per share, subject to the limits established by BM&FBOVESPA.
The functional currency of the overseas subsidiaries is Brazilian Reals.
Management considers the Brazilian subsidiaries to be foreign operations with Brazilian Reals as the functional currency.
The price quotation chosen from among the alternatives described in Annex I of these specifications to settle the contract.• Contract size• Traded premiumExpressed in Brazilian Reals (BRL) per share to two decimal places.
The Company's functional currency is the Canadian dollar and it transacts major purchases in Canadian dollars and Brazilian Reals.
The amounts shall be in Brazilian Reals, in accordance with the regular procedures of the BM&FBOVESPA Derivatives Clearinghouse.
ADt = (PAt − PAt−1) × 50 × n where:ADt = the daily settlement price in Brazilian Reals, corresponding to day “t”;PAt = the settlement price on day “t” for the respective contract month;PO = the trading price;n = the number of contracts;PAt−1 = the settlement price on day “t-1” for the respective contract month.
If payment is made in US Dollars, the Service Provider shall, or shall cause, all amounts received in payment to be to be converted into Brazilian Reals within three (3) Business Days of receipt of the payment.