Breakfast in the classroom definition

Breakfast in the classroom means an alternative serving model where students eat breakfast in the classroom after the start of the school day.
Breakfast in the classroom means that breakfast meals are eaten in the classroom at the start of the school day. A breakfast meal can either be delivered to the classroom or be served from the cafeteria or a cart or kiosk placed within the school, the cafeteria, or another location deemed appropriate by the school.

Examples of Breakfast in the classroom in a sentence

  • Breakfast in the classroom and other innovative programs that move school breakfast out of the cafeteria and make it part of the school day, combined with offering the meal to all students at no charge, is the best way to increase participation in this important program.

  • According to Bohlke and Robinson (2009), the following aspects should be considered within an elite sporting set-up, as adapted from Porter’s model.

  • Breakfast in the classroom has also increased the burden placed on my custodial staff every morning as they are frequently required to clean carpets and pick up additional trash.

  • Breakfast in the classroom would provide even more children with a healthy breakfast to start their day and also increase revenue for the Food and Nutrition Department.

  • Staff will be assigned the following duties: Morning Entrance, Tardy Entrance, Breakfast in the classroom, Lunch and Recess, Bus dismissal, and/or Walker dismissal, etc Duties will be assigned asequitable as possible.

  • During inclement weather students will proceed through the side doors to the gymnasium.(Kindergarten students and parents enter together on September 7th.)• Breakfast in the classroom will take form this school year.• Students must arrive to school by 8:15 a.m. Attendance is vital to instructional supports for our students.

  • Dear [insert first name or title], Breakfast in the classroom is an important program at [insert school name], and we need your input to make it a success! If you haven’t already, please respond to the satisfaction survey by [insert deadline for survey].

  • Motion by Mike Kemp - Seconded by Eli Keller In FavorEli Keller, Mike Kemp, Brian Maune, Linda Remele, Shelby Thomas, Tina WardOpposed(None)Community Eligibility Provision (CEP ) with Breakfast in the classroom (BIC) Vote to approve of disposal of above ground wastewater treatment facility- Motion by Shelby Thomas - Seconded by Tina Ward In FavorEli Keller, Mike Kemp, Brian Maune, Linda Remele, Shelby Thomas, Tina WardOpposed(None)Disposal of above ground wastewater treatment facility.

  • During inclement weather students will proceed through the side doors to the gymnasium.• Breakfast in the classroom will take form this school year.• Students must arrive to school by 8:30 a.m. Attendance is vital to instructional supports for our students.

  • Staff will be assigned the following duties: Morning Entrance, Tardy Entrance, Breakfast in the classroom, Lunch and Recess, Bus dismissal, and/or Walker dismissal, etc Duties will be assigned as equitable aspossible.

Related to Breakfast in the classroom

  • Classroom teacher means a teacher subject to annual performance evaluation review under the provisions of Education Law Section 3012-c.

  • Classroom means a classroom created by a Moderator consisting of a group of class seats through which Students use the Service under moderation by a Moderator.

  • Pet Ambulance means a Pet medical transportation service vehicle equipped with stretchers, hydraulic tables, oxygen and a driver and/or veterinary technician.

  • Seaplane means an aircraft that is capable of landing and taking off on the water.

  • Bed and breakfast inn means a hotel which has nine or fewer guest rooms.

  • Ballast water means water with its suspended matter taken on board a ship to control trim, list, draught, stability or stresses of the ship.

  • Snack means supplemental food served between meals.

  • Groceries means food as defined in 7 U.S.C. 2012(k), but does not include cannabinoid

  • Ambulance means a registered road vehicle, boat or aircraft operated by an Ambulance Service Provider and equipped for the transport of persons requiring medical attention.

  • Pushcart means a non-self-propelled vehicle food establishment limited to serving nonpotentially hazardous foods or commissary-wrapped foods maintained at proper temperatures, or limited to the preparation and serving of frankfurters.

  • Air ambulance means any aircraft specifically constructed, modified, or equipped and used for the primary purpose of responding to emergency calls and transporting critically ill or injured patients whose medical flight crew has at a minimum two attendants certified or licensed in advanced life support.

  • PBX means Private Branch Exchange.

  • Distribution Network means a 'distribution network' as defined in Special Condition E2A of the Transporter's Licence held by each DN Operator;

  • Bed and breakfast establishment means any establishment (i) having no more than 15 bedrooms;

  • Distribution center means a building or structure used primarily for the storage of goods which are intended for subsequent shipment to retail outlets. Distribution center does not mean a building or structure used primarily to store raw agricultural products, used primarily by a manufacturer to store goods to be used in the manufacturing process, used primarily for the storage of petroleum products, or used for the retail sale of goods.

  • Classroom hour means 50 minutes of instruction out of

  • Distribution Services means the service of distribution, as defined in section 5 of the Act;

  • Off-highway vehicle means the same as that term is defined in Section 41-22-2.

  • Alcoholic beverage means a beverage that:

  • Serialization within the enterprise identifier means each item produced is assigned a serial number that is unique among all the tangible items produced by the enterprise and is never used again. The enterprise is responsible for ensuring unique serialization within the enterprise identifier.

  • Airport lounge means a business location:

  • Malt beverage or "malt liquor" means any beverage such as

  • Outboard motor means a detachable self-contained propulsion unit, excluding

  • Flowgate means a representative modeling of facilities or groups of facilities that may act as potential constraint points.

  • Bed means a below-grade soil treatment area with a level sub-base, consisting of a shallow excavation greater than three feet wide containing distribution media and more than one lateral.

  • Help Desk the telephone helpdesk described in Clause 7.1;