Examples of BREEAM Certificate in a sentence
Following this, within three months of the date of first occupation of the development, a BREEAM Certificate confirming the scheme has achieved “BREEAM Excellent” shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
All of the other details submitted were approved.13/00728/CONDITDetails required by part of condition 5 (ii) (finished ground levels) of planning permission 12/02648 for the erection of a two storey day nursery with associated works following demolition of church without complying with conditions 7a and 7b (BREEAM) and 8 (BREEAM Certificate) of planning permission 11/02336Approve condition details, 20.03.201313/00954/CONDITDetails required by condition 3 (flood escapeUnder consideration.
Within six months of completion of any building, a copy of the Final BREEAM Certificate (or equivalent) shall be provided to the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate that the scheme has been completed in accordance with the approved Sustainability and Energy Statement.
No objection subject to a carbon off-setting contribution secured by S106 legal agreement to offset against the Council’s zero carbon policy; conditions securing a zero-carbon futureproofing statement; and submission of a final BREEAM Certificate with ‘Excellent’ rating.
The appointment will also provide a BREEAM Certificate (with the target being an ‘Excellent’ rating) and carry out the Principal Designer role under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 up to appointment of the Principal Contractor.
Following this, within three months of the date of first occupation of the development, a BREEAM Certificate confirming the scheme has achieved ‘BREEAM Excellent’ shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.Reason: In the interests of sustainable development in accordance with London Plan (2016) policy 5.3 ‘Sustainable design and construction’ and OPDC Regulation 19 (2) Local Plan (2018) policy EU9 ‘Minimising Carbon Emissions and Overheating’.
Submission of Final BREEAM Certificate, demonstrating compliance with Interim BREEAM Certificate.21.
Prior to the commencement of the fit out of the commercial units, a Design Stage Assessment (under BREEAM or such national measure of sustainability for design that replaces that scheme) shall be carried out and a copy of the summary score sheet and interim BREEAM Certificate submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Following this, within three months of the date of first occupation of the development, a BREEAM Certificate confirming the scheme has achieved BREEAM “Excellent” shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.