Examples of Brush in a sentence
Brush and seedling trees removed shall be disposed of as directed by the Forest Officer.
Brush and seedling trees that encroach upon the original road clear limits shall be removed when they reduce safe sight distances.
Brush the neat cement mixture over the prepared concrete surfaces to ensure that all parts receive an even coating, and do not allow excess neat cement to collect in pockets.
Brush or trees on existing roads may be removed by sawing individual stems, cutting with a rotary brush cutter, uprooting with an excavator or other methods approved by the Forest Officer.
Allen, Bay, Bono, Catawba Island, Clay Center, Curtice, Danbury, Eagle Beach, Elliston, Elmore, Erie, Fishback, Gem Beach & Genoa), RICHLAND, SANDUSKY, SENECA & WYANDOT Rates Fringes PAINTER Brush & Roller..............$ 24.66 14.05 Structural Steel............$ 26.26 14.05 WINTER REPAINT: Between December 1 to March 31 - 90%JR $.50 PER HOUR SHALL BE ADDED TO THE RATE OF PAY FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF WORK: While working swingstage, boatswain chair, needle beam and horizontal cable.