Examples of BSB Handbook in a sentence
As a QFL, you will be entitled to practise as a barrister if you meet all relevant provisions of the BSB Handbook.
Independent Decision-Making Body (IDB) means the body established by us to take decisions independently of our executive as provided for in the BSB Handbook.
Independent Decision-Making Panel means a Panel consisting of members of the IDB established to take decisions as provided in the BSB Handbook.
To become qualified to take up a practising certificate, and so become a practising barrister, you must complete (or be exempted from) pupillage and satisfy such further requirements as are set out in the BSB Handbook.
It is a breach of the BSB Handbook to practise as a barrister without a practising certificate.
Practising barristers BSB Handbook Rule s6 in the BSB Handbook determines that you must not carry on any reserved legal activity unless you are entitled to do so under the Legal Services Act.
Training for those involved in recruitment BSB Handbook Rule C110 of the BSB Handbook says that chambers and BSB authorised bodies must take reasonable steps to ensure that: save in exceptional circumstances, every member of all selection panels must be trained in fair recruitment and selection processes; recruitment and selection processes use objective and fair criteria.
BSB Document Relevant content that pupil supervisors need to know The BSB Handbook Pupil Supervisors should have an up-to-date knowledge of: Part 2, The Code of Conduct: Core Duties and Rules that barristers, including pupils, are required to adhere to.
However, you may, in addition to your normal training, draft a noting brief, provided that you have the permission of your pupil supervisor or (in their absence) the Head of Chambers or equivalent, in line with Rule C116 of the BSB Handbook.
However, there are some important rules in the BSB Handbook which you need to follow in doing so.