Examples of Budget Directorate in a sentence
Staff employed on the basis of a collective bargaining agreement are remu- nerated according to their position evaluations.
It is against this background that the Budget Monitoring and Accountability Unit (BMAU) was established in FY 2008/09 in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, under the Budget Directorate, to address this challenge.The BMAU is charged with tracking implementation of selected government programmes or projects and observing how values of different financial and physical indicators change over time against stated goals and targets.
MDAs are required to communicate recurrent costs of projects to MoFPED, but the information is not communicated to the Budget Directorate for inclusion in budget documents.
However, these PFM- related activities will be undertaken in close collaboration with relevant MoF directorates and departments (such as the DG State Finance, the Budget Directorate, the Deconcentration Directorate and others).
In Algeria, for example, during the years where there was only an acting director of the General Budget Directorate (as opposed to a formal one), reforms did not move forward.
Members also noted that:• the French nominee is now Ms. Sophie Mahieux, a former head of the Budget Directorate who currently holds a senior position in the division of public expenditure execution;• Germany would not nominate for membership of this Steering Committee; and• the current nomination did not include sufficient representation from the Asian region.
The G-8 Budget Directorate (ATRM-BD) allocates dollars by course location regardless of the POI proponent.
The DCEF, in collaboration with sectoral ministries, captures project information, including: title, status, sector, location, executing agency, donors and their planned commitments, budgetary allocations, start and end dates, objectives, expected results, funding source, currency, and agreement identifier.The Budget Directorate (DB) mainly performs updates.
The PCMU will also work closely with directorates within the Ministry of Finance (Hacienda), such as the General Budget Directorate (DIGEPRES) and the General Accounting Directorate (DIGECOG).
Data on budget allocations are from the Budget Directorate of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, and data on budget execution are from the Treasury.