Building Bylaw definition
Examples of Building Bylaw in a sentence
For small buildings, such as townhomes and those considered Part 9 under the Building By-law, the requirements of the policy have been adapted to match the building scale.
Building Code*As applicable, the British Columbia Building Code, or the Vancouver Building Bylaw, in force at the time that the building permit was issued for the new home or, in jurisdictions where a building permit is not required, in force when construction commences.
Where the city funded facility is a small air space parcel in a larger building funded by others, and it is not viable to achieve Passive House certification for the whole building, then at a minimum the city owned portion of the building must be designed and shown to achieve a minimum of 35% reduction in energy consumption compared to the current City of Vancouver Building Bylaw (ASHRAE 90.1 2010 or NECB 2011), and reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the use of only low carbon fuel sources.
In addition to a single-phase site-wide project model demonstrating compliance with the site TEUI and GHGI performance limits (as specified in Green Buildings Policy for Rezonings amended February 7, 2017, the May 2, 2018 Building By-law report to Council, and the Zero Emissions Building Plan for planned 2025 and 2030 requirements), the design team shall demonstrate compliance with the TEDI limits for the development contained within each building permit, and report the TEDI of each structure.
Under the Regional District of North Okanagan Building Bylaw No. 2670, 2015 Section 606 (2) it states; “Where a water connection is made at Silver Star Mountain to a duplex, or a single family dwelling and a suite, the owner shall install a water meter appliance to each dwelling unit.” Regardless of whether or not there is physically a second meter on the property, a second fixed fee will be charged for all properties that are a duplex, or a single family dwelling and a suite.