Building setback line definition

Building setback line means a line within a lot or other parcel of land, so designated on the plat of the proposed subdivision, between which line and the adjacent boundary of the street upon which the lot abuts, the erection of an enclosed structure or portion thereof is prohibited.
Building setback line. - means the line within a property defining the required minimum distance between any structure or building and the adjacent right-of-way, or neighboring lot lines, and beyond which a building may not exceed so as to provide the required yard. Also referred to as “setback.”
Building setback line or “BSBL” means a line beyond which the foundation of a structure shall not extend.

Examples of Building setback line in a sentence

  • Building setback line means the line within a property defining the minimum horizontal distance between a building and the adjacent street right-of-way line or adjoining properties.

  • Fences and walls may extend to the interior lot line, but shall not be forward of the front minimum Building setback line, nor extend forward of the foremost portion of the Building.

  • Building setback line: A line parallel to the front property line, extending across the full width of the lot, thus creating a front yard in which no structure shall be built.

  • Building setback line: The line within a property defining the minimum horizontal distance between a building and the adjacent street line.

  • Building setback line - A line beyond which the foundation wall and/or any enclosed porch, vestibule or other enclosed portion of a building shall not project as determined by the yard requirements.

More Definitions of Building setback line

Building setback line means a line establishing the limits of a yard which abuts a street and in which no building may be located.
Building setback line means a line parallel to the property line in front of which no structure may be erected.
Building setback line means an established line within a property defining the minimum required distance between the face of any structure to be erected, and an adjacent right of way, or street line. This face as measured to the major portion of the structure includes sun parlors, foyers, bay windows, porches, projecting eaves, dormers, steps, and any other solid projections and solid entrances.Exception: Projecting eaves 12” or less shall not be considered as part of the building face, eaves greater than 12” shall be used as the building face.
Building setback line means a line which establishes a definite point beyond which the foundation of a building shall not extend.
Building setback line means a line parallel, or nearly parallel, to the street line indicating the minimum of distance as prescribed by the zoning regulations between any property line and the closest point of the building line or face of a building or structure related thereto, including all overhangs. In the case of a cul- de-sac the building line shall be measured around the curvature of the street line and shall be located at the required front yard setback where the lot width shall meet the minimum lot width required in the district.
Building setback line means a line beyond which the footprint or foundation of a building shall not exceed. (Ord. 965-05 § 1 (part)).
Building setback line means a line beyond which the foundation wall and/or any enclosed porch, vestibule or other enclosed portion of a building shall not project as determined by the yard requirements.