Building side definition

Building side means the longer dimension of any Building elevation and the Building elevation opposite.”
Building side means a surface of a building that extends more or less perpendicularly from an observer standing in front or side of a building.

Examples of Building side in a sentence

  • Where a Property is served by its own sewage disposal system or device, at the time of connection to the Sewer System, the then existing sewer service line on the Property shall be broken on the Building side of such sewage disposal system or device and an attachment shall be made with proper fittings to continue such sewer service line from the Building to the lateral.

  • Incomplete key requests will be returned to the authorizing department.• All key loans require card signed by Department Head.• Department Heads can authorize key loans for their area only.• Building side door keys are to be authorized by the CFO and recommended by Department Heads for workers in their Department.• No individual may temporarily loan their Master or Sub Master key(s) for any length of time.

  • Building side yard: A line parallel to the side property lines, extending across the full depth of the lot, thus creating a side yard in which no principal structure shall be built.

  • Once funds exceed the amount of $115 million, development rights can be purchased from the next highest priority category.

  • Building side bounded by continuous wall of building edge.SurfaceTarmac in average condition.GradientSlight.SightlinesClear sightlines with no obstructionsMaintenanceRoute shows signs of degradation.Key Land usesUrban town centre land useCommentsNoneFigure 47 – Design Characteristic Assessment Table - Bristol Figure 48 – (Left) Shared use designation, and (Right) building edge on route at Cattle Market Road.

  • Building side walls are East Face of the building and Shelton street side each 24 wide and@3” high.

  • For all other portions of the Main Plant Building, side cladding shall be brick masonry up to 1000mm height and GI sheeting above 1000mm height.

  • He said the ADUs are not captured in the Planning Permits because they are typically wrapped up in a new residence and only require a building permit, so there is not a separate item listed, although on the Building side the ADU component is shown.

  • Maybe it is a possibility to put together a task force to re-think how we measure this.JM: Again, just on standing communication the way Elliot said what if you look at the numbers you drop 5-6 points on the Building side and that speaks to Bernice’s point.

  • There was also some roof damage on the A Building overhang that had to be repaired and no insulation in the soffit on the A Building side that needed to be added.

Related to Building side

  • Building site means a plot of land held for building purposes, whether any building is actually erected thereupon or not, and includes the open ground or courtyard enclosed by, or adjacent to, any building erected thereupon;

  • Building sewer means the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal.

  • Building Square Footage or "BSF" means the square footage of assessable internal living space of a Unit, exclusive of any carports, walkways, garages, overhangs, patios, enclosed patios, detached accessory structure, other structures not used as living space, or any other square footage excluded under Government Code Section 65995 as determined by reference to the Building Permit for such Unit.

  • Building system means plans, specifications and docu- mentation for a system of manufactured building or for a type or a system of building components, which may include structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and variations which are sub- mitted as part of the building system.

  • Building means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy;

  • Building Area means the only area upon which the erection and use of buildings and structures shall be permitted but may include areas of Landscaped Open Space.

  • Yard, Side means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard of a lot between a side lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot.

  • Lot Line, Side means a lot line other than a front or rear lot line.

  • Trunk-Side means the Central Office Switch connection that is capable of, and has been programmed to treat the circuit as connecting to another switching entity (for example another Central Office Switch). Trunk-Side connections offer those transmission and signaling features appropriate for the connection of switching entities and cannot be used for the direct connection of ordinary telephone station sets.

  • Building Common Areas means with respect to the Tower, the areas, facilities and amenities specified in Schedule [E] which are to be used and enjoyed in common with all the other Apartment Acquirers of the Units in the Building; and

  • Building Drain means that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning five (5) feet (1.5 meters) outside the inner face of the building wall.

  • Common Areas is defined as all areas and facilities outside the Premises and within the exterior boundary line of the Project and interior utility raceways and installations within the Unit that are provided and designated by the Lessor from time to time for the general non-exclusive use of Lessor, Lessee and other tenants of the Project and their respective employees, suppliers, shippers, customers, contractors and invitees, including parking areas, loading and unloading areas, trash areas, roadways, walkways, driveways and landscaped areas.

  • Common Area means all real property owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the Owners.

  • Building Systems means any electrical, mechanical, structural, plumbing, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, sprinkler, life safety or security systems serving the Building.

  • Building, structure, facility, or installation means all of the pollutant-emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control) except the activities of any vessel. Pollutant-emitting activities shall be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same major group (i.e., which have the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement (U.S. Government Printing Office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176-0, respectively).

  • Parking Areas means those portions of the Common Areas or other areas under Landlord’s control which from time to time are designated by the Landlord for the parking of automobiles and other automotive vehicles while engaged in business upon the Premises (other than while being used to make deliveries to and from the Premises).

  • Base Building shall include the structural portions of the Building, the public restrooms and the Building mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems and equipment located in the internal core of the Building on the floor or floors on which the Premises are located. Tenant shall promptly provide Landlord with copies of any notices it receives regarding an alleged violation of Law. Tenant shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Building attached as Exhibit E and such other reasonable rules and regulations adopted by Landlord from time to time, including rules and regulations for the performance of Alterations (defined in Section 9).

  • mixed-use building means a building or structure containing a residential and non- residential use other than a home occupation;

  • Parking Area means the area designated as a permitted parking area and a special parking area by the Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (Angus Council) Designation Order 2017; and “permitted parking area” and “special parking area” are to be read accordingly;”; and

  • Drainage area means a geographic area within which stormwater, sediments, or dissolved materials drain to a particular receiving waterbody or to a particular point along a receiving waterbody.

  • Building Project means the aggregate combined parcel of land on a portion of which are the improvements of which the Premises form a part, with all the improvements thereon, said improvements being a part of the block and lot for tax purposes which are applicable to the aforesaid land.

  • Line Side means the End Office switch connections that have been programmed to treat the circuit as a local line connected to a terminating station (e.g., an ordinary subscriber’s telephone station set, a PBX, answering machine, facsimile machine or computer). Line Side connections offer only those transmission and signal features appropriate for a connection between an End Office and such terminating station.

  • The Building means any building of which the Property forms part.

  • Parking Garage means a building or portion of a building, other than a private garage, that is used for the temporary parking of motor vehicles;

  • Building Services Definitions

  • Buildings means , and BHK Apartments having One Block of Apartments a total of apartments of different types in G+ storied Block including such other constructions and/or structures, as may be constructed on the Premises by the Builder from time to time.