Examples of Yard, Side in a sentence
To assess contribution of secondary forest to local livelihood, the required data are general villagers’ livelihood, use of secondary forest, dependency on fallow forest products.
Yard, Side: A yard extending from the principal building to the side lot line on both sides of the principal building between the lines establishing the front and rear yards.
A side and rear yard fence shall be a fence located within the side and rear yard as defined in § 59-2150, Yard, Rear; Yard, Side; and illustrated in Figure 2000.7.
Complete the following table, which must also be included on applicable drawings: Zoning District(s): ItemRequiredProposedMinimum Lot Size Frontage Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Building Line Building Coverage Parking6 Landscaping Impermeable Coverage 6 Attach method used to determine the number of parking spaces required.
Materials Table 15.14.080-1: Metal Siding, Smooth-faced CMU Block and Tilt-up Panel Matrix, Single-Family Percent Allowed, Principal BuildingsPercent Allowed, Accessory Buildings Use Type Zone District Primary Building FaçadeFaçade facing Arterial or CollectorStreetFaçade facing Local StreetFaçade not facing right-of- wayFaçade facing Interstate orHighway Front Yard Side Yard Rear YardResidential- Single-family (3 or less units)RR, LR,R1, R2, R2M, R3 0 0 0 0 15.14.090.D. Building Design2.