Burial lot means any lot for the burial of deceased persons within any public burial ground or cemetery, including, but not limited to, cemeteries owned and operated by municipal corporations, townships, or companies or associations incorporated for cemetery purposes.
Burial lot means a lot of land containing or which may contain one or more grave spaces;
Burial lot means any lot for the burial of deceased
Examples of Burial lot in a sentence
The Following fee shall be charged at the cemetery: Burial lot Purchase for a Cary Resident$900Burial lot purchase for a non-Cary resident$1000Standard open/close grave burial$800 $950Open/close grave burial on Sundays or Holidays$1,800Infant/cherub open/close grave burial*$275Cremation internment$400 $525Cremation internment on Sundays or Holidays$950*The infant/cherub open/close burial fee shall apply for any person five (5) years old or younger.
Burial lot owners, their families and visitors shall be admitted to the cemetery daily and observe all rules for the regulation of visitors.
More Definitions of Burial lot
Burial lot means any Interment space (cremation, child, or adult) as identified on a plan of subdivision and shown on record in the office of the Cemeteries Lead/Administrator.
Burial lot means any lot for the burial of deceased 64
Burial lot means any space designated for the interment of remains such as grave lots, grave spaces, burial or interment rights, and developed or existing lawn crypts.
Burial lot means any lot for the burial of deceased 66
Burial lot means any lot for the burial of deceased 67
Burial lot means any lot for the burial of deceased 28
Burial lot means any lot for the burial of deceased 69