Examples of Buy Stop in a sentence
Buy Stop" suggests opening a buy position at a higher price than the actual price at the moment of the order placing; "Sell Stop" suggests a sell position opening at a lower price than the actual price at the moment of the order placing; "Buy Limit" suggests opening a buy position at a lower price than the actual price at the moment of the order placing; "Sell Limit" suggests opening a sell position at a higher price than the actual price at the moment of the order placing.
Such orders as Buy Limit, Buy Stop and Stop Loss, Take profit for opened short position are executed at ASK price.
Buy Stop and Sell Stop orders for position opening are executed at first market prices.
However, under certain trading conditions it may be impossible to execute orders (Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit or Sell Stop) at the Client's requested price.
The following types of Pending Orders are available: Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit and Sell Stop.