Examples of Cancellation Consideration in a sentence
Under the Proposal, if the Scheme becomes effective, the Disinterested Shareholders will receive from the Offeror the Cancellation Consideration in cash for every Scheme Share cancelled and the WMVL Shareholders will receive, for each of their Scheme Shares cancelled, the WMVL Cancellation Consideration.
Upon the Scheme becoming effective, the WMVL Shareholders will receive the WMVL Cancellation Consideration, being the crediting of their WMVL Shares as fully paid in the amount of the Cancellation Consideration Price per WMVL Share.
Taking into account that the Founder Scheme Shares will be cancelled in consideration for the Founder Cancellation Consideration, the total amount of cash required to implement the Proposal in full will be approximately HK$1,305,593,229.
Upon the Scheme becoming effective, (i) the Scheme Shares held by the Disinterested Shareholders will be cancelled in exchange for the Cancellation Consideration in cash; (ii) the Scheme Shares held by the WMVL Shareholders will be cancelled in consideration for the WMVL Cancellation Consideration; and (iii) the New Shares will be issued as fully paid or credited as fully paid to the Offeror.
Taking into account that the Shares held by the Participating Management Shareholders will not constitute Scheme Shares and that the WMVL Shareholders will receive the WMVL Cancellation Consideration in consideration for cancellation of their Shares under the Scheme, the Scheme would involve making an offer to cancel the remaining 7,192,291,808 Shares held by the Disinterested Shareholders, in exchange for cash at the Cancellation Consideration Price.