Examples of Cannabis cultivation in a sentence
Cannabis cultivation crimes.Establishes gross misdemeanor and felony crimes for cultivating cannabis without a license and in excess of the amounts that would be legal under this bill.
Ground Maintenance: TENANT is solely responsible for keeping the leased area clean and safe at all times.
The obligations of Owner under this Section shall survive the expiration or any earlier termination, as applicable, of this Agreement, but the Production Fee under this Agreement shall cease if any City-wide tax is imposed specifically on Cannabis cultivation.
Flowers Total Clones Total75/25 Ratio (Flowers + Clones) Low Estimate$600,000 We estimate that the City of Berkeley will collect between $650,000 and $1,300,000 in revenue from Medical Cannabis cultivation (average of about $1,000,000) if the total allowable cultivation space under Measure S is available and utilized.Each 1000 square feet of cultivation space that is not utilized will cost the City approximately$5500 in potential lost revenue.
The obligations of Owner under this Section shall survive the expiration or any earlier termination of this Agreement, but the Facility Fee shall cease if any City-wide tax is imposed specifically on Cannabis cultivation.