Capacity Increase Project definition

Capacity Increase Project means a voluntary modification of the Regional Interconnected Systems that is (i) for the purpose of increasing transmission capacity on the Regional Interconnected Systems; (ii) voluntarily undertaken by one or more Planning Parties; and (iii) not an Existing Obligation Project or Requested Service Project.
Capacity Increase Project means a voluntary modification of the Regional Interconnected Systems:
Capacity Increase Project means a voluntary modification of the Regional Interconnected Systems that is:

Examples of Capacity Increase Project in a sentence

  • If any Affected Person requests a Study Team to evaluate Material Adverse Impacts resulting from a Capacity Increase Project, ColumbiaGrid shall convene such a Study Team.

  • A Planning Party may request a cost allocation recommendation from ColumbiaGrid on a Capacity Increase Project if the related Study Team is unable to come to voluntary agreement on the cost allocation.

  • In the absence of an Order 1000 Cost Allocation, a TOPP may request a cost allocation recommendation from ColumbiaGrid on a Proposed Capacity Increase Project if the related Study Team is unable to come to voluntary agreement on the cost allocation.

  • A Capacity Increase Project is to include an associated cost allocation to be included in a Biennial Plan (or Plan Update).

  • With respect to a Proposed Single System Project or Proposed Capacity Increase Project for which the Project’s sponsor has requested that a Study Team assist in Project development, the Planning Party proposing such Project shall assume primary responsibility for leading and performing necessary analytical work in the Study Team.

  • In the event that Affected Persons do not reach agreement on any element(s) of a Proposed Capacity Increase Project developed by a Study Team convened for Project development of such Project, and the Project’s sponsor(s) so requests, the Staff is to make a recommendation for any unresolved element(s) of such Project and may, as the Staff finds appropriate, present fully-developed alternatives for the Board’s consideration.

  • As described in section 8 of Appendix A of the PEFA, ColumbiaGrid is to make a recommendation on cost allocation for a Proposed Capacity Increase Project, in the event that agreement is not reached on such cost allocation and a cost allocation recommendation is requested from ColumbiaGrid.

  • With respect to a Proposed Single System Project or Proposed Capacity Increase Project for which the Project’s sponsor has requested that a Study Team assist in Project development, the Planning Party proposing such Project is to assume primary responsibility for leading and performing necessary analytical work in the Study Team.

  • With respect to a Capacity Increase Project Study Team for which the Project sponsor has requested that the Study Team assist in the development of some or all of the elements of such Project, the Planning Party proposing the Project shall assume primary responsibility for leading and performing necessary analytical work.

  • If ColumbiaGrid is otherwise unable to arrive at a non- binding recommendation for cost allocation as provided in this section, ColumbiaGrid’s non- binding recommendation shall be to allocate 100 percent of the costs of such Capacity Increase Project among the Persons participating in such Capacity Increase Project in proportion to the expected amount of added transmission capacity to be received by each such Person from such Capacity Increase Project.

More Definitions of Capacity Increase Project

Capacity Increase Project means as defined in Section 3.3.2.

Related to Capacity Increase Project