Examples of Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions in a sentence
Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from the traded sector will need to be calculated separately from carbon dioxide equivalent emissions in the non-traded sector.
Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions in tonnes, split by traded and non-traded sectors, for the 'with scheme’ and 'without scheme’ cases for each year of the appraisal period should be entered into the TAG Greenhouse Gases Workbook.
This is calculated by multiplying by the quantity of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) estimated to be released from the consumption of one unit of fuel/energy using the relevant marginal emissions factor given in TAG Data Book Table A3.3, Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per litre of fuel burnt/kWh used.
Once fuel/electricity consumption has been estimated, this can be converted into carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions by multiplying by the quantity of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) estimated to be released from the consumption of one unit of fuel/energy using the relevant marginal emissions factor given in TAG Data Book Table A3.3, Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per litre of fuel burnt/kWh used.
Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions Divested businesses Current businesses Over the decade to 2014, the Group is aiming for a 10% reduction in emissions per unit of production.
Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (CO2 Eq, CO2E or CO2e) represents the amount of CO2 emissions that it would take to create a climate impact equivalent to the emissions of the specific gas or source of interest.
Using the energy mix information alongside energy consumption measure the CO2e (Carbon dioxide equivalent) emissions can be evaluated, for all three levels, i.e., physical, VM, and applications as a measure for environmental impact of the underlying cloud infrastructure and applications.
Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions on a 100-year basis in the eGrid region NPCC Upstate New York (NYUP) were 234.5 pounds of CO2e per megawatt hour of electricity produced in 2020.
Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for various sectors (Petrie, Wear et al.
Table 1 – Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions – 1994 (Gg) (Source: IDEAM)Rural Colombia is characterized by high poverty and low agricultural competitiveness.