Carbon dioxide equivalent or "CO2e" means an amount of greenhouse gas or gases expressed as the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide, and is computed by multiplying the mass of each of the greenhouse gases by the global warming potential published for each gas at 40 CFR part 98, subpart A, Table A–1—Global Warming Potentials, and adding the resulting value for each greenhouse gas to compute the total equivalent amount of carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide equivalent or “CO2 equivalent” or “CO2e” means the number of metric tons of CO2 emissions with the same global warming potential as one metric ton of another greenhouse gas. Global warming potential values shall be determined consistent with the definition of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent in MRR section 95102(a).
Carbon dioxide equivalent means the amount of carbon dioxide by
Examples of Carbon dioxide equivalent in a sentence
Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is a way of measuring global warming potential of emissions.
Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is a term used for describing the difference GHGs in a common unit.
Carbon dioxide equivalent, or CO2E, is a term that is used for describing different greenhouses gases in a common and collective unit.
Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is a quantity that enables all GHG emissions to be considered as a group despite their varying GWP.
Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions from carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) are included.
More Definitions of Carbon dioxide equivalent
Carbon dioxide equivalent or “CO2 equivalent” or "CO2e" means a measure for comparing carbon dioxide with other GHGs, based on the quantity of those gases multiplied by the appropriate global warming potential (GWP) factor and commonly expressed as metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (MTCO2e).
Carbon dioxide equivalent means the amount of carbon dioxide by weight that would
Carbon dioxide equivalent or "CO2e" means a metric measure used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases based upon their global warming potential.
Carbon dioxide equivalent means a metric measure used to
Carbon dioxide equivalent means the amount of carbon dioxide by weight that would produce the same global warming impact as a given weight of another greenhouse gas, based on the best available science, including from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Carbon dioxide equivalent. ("CO2e") means a unit of measure used to compare the
Carbon dioxide equivalent or "CO2e" means a metric measure