Cart definition
Examples of Cart in a sentence
Cart away all debris generated from the work and dispose it off without giving rise to any complaints from local, municipal or government authorities.
The Poles shall not be carted by toeing/Dragging with Tractor or Cart or with any other means.(C) Pole setting:Where poles are set in good solid ground the depth of pit shall be 1/6th of the height of the pole and for grounds of any other nature.
The wheels supplied with your Grain Cart have straight holes and the Budd nuts will be mounted according to Figure 1.
After a Violation Notice is issued, the database will be checked to determine any accumulated points or violations against the offender in the same category, such as, Security (49, CFR, Part 1500), Safety (FAR 139), Driving, Electric Cart, Smoking Policy, Fire Regulation, etc.
Anywhere Cart’s total, aggregate liability for damages of any nature, regardless of form of action, shall in no event exceed the amount paid by you to Anywhere Cart for the specific product upon which liability is based.